Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fallen Angel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Patricia Puddle
was to keep Eloise safe from harm. He gazed down
at her. Her long lashes were fluttering as her eyes moved beneath
closed lids. He guessed she was dreaming and he knew it wouldn’t be
long now before he’d be able to communicate with her psyche, then
he could give her advice and warn her of danger. But for now, he’d
just have to watch her. He turned to Ramiel. “I wouldn’t be
surprised if Devlin hasn’t found out where the O’Connor’s live. He
could even turn up there or already be hiding close by. What’s
their place like?”
    “ Their house
is at the end of a cul-de-sac, and it’s surrounded by
    “ Oh, great.
That’s all I need.”
    “ I understand
your concern, Nathaniel, but there’s really no need to stress.
Michael found out where Devlin was when Eloise was born and he
reprimanded him. Plus Devlin has a new ward now, so hopefully he’ll
be too busy to bother you.”
    Nathaniel raised a brow.
“Oh, where was he?”
    Ramiel rolled his eyes.
“Apparently, he was on the Gold Coast watching a surfing
championship, though it’s more likely he was ogling the bikini
    As they sped onto the
highway, Nathaniel shook his head in disgust. “Why on Earth would
Michael trust Devlin with another ward after finding that out? He
should have been punished for risking Eloise’s life, or at least
made to go to rehab.”
    “ You’re
right, but if someone is forced into rehab, it doesn’t work. They
have to want to change their ways. Anyway, maybe Devlin agreed to
some counselling of his own accord before taking on a new
    Nathaniel waved his hand
in the air. “I don’t believe that for a minute, not after the way
he carried on three weeks ago. He’s too bitter and angry and you
should’ve seen the way he was ogling the nurses. I doubt
counselling would help him.”
    Ramiel sighed.
“Hopefully, he’s accepted that he was wrong and he’s just getting
on with guarding his ward.”
    “ Maybe, but
I’d love to know where his ward lives. I don’t trust him and I
never will, not after what he said.”
    “ I heard he
was sent to Queensland so that he wouldn’t cross paths with you
when the children went to school.”
    “ Well, from
what you’ve just told me about him perving on girls on the Gold
Coast, I bet that’s what he’ll be doing in Queensland. It’s always
hot there and the beaches are full of bikini-clad girls all year
    “ Not if
Michael talked him into going to rehab first.”
    “ Well, I
still don’t trust him and I’m sure he’ll keep trying to get Eloise
back. Devlin is a poor loser. He used to have a hissy fit if I beat
him at flying races. He’d sulk for hours. He’s like a human child
in some ways.”
    Ramiel chuckled. “Sorry
to laugh, but imagining that big muscly angel acting like that is
    Nathaniel smirked. “Oh,
that’s another thing he used to compete with. He was forever
comparing our physiques. I could never understand that. But you’re
right, Ramiel. Devlin is funny and I miss that side of
    “ You two look
so much alike, if it wasn’t for your curly hair and different eye
colour, you could easily be mistaken for Devlin. And if you were
human, you’d be mistaken for brothers.”
    “ Yeah, well
it hurts because I felt like Devlin was my brother. We were
best friends. That’s what’s so sad about the whole
    Ramiel nodded. “Well,
just try to chill out while you can and worry about Devlin when you
have to.”
    “ You’re
right. I will.” Gazing out of the window, Nathaniel pondered on the
times he’d zoomed across the ocean with Devlin and how they’d
slowed down and flown above dolphins and whales as they travelled
along the beautiful East Coast of New South Wales. The car suddenly
swerved around a corner, snapping him out of his reverie. When he
checked on Eloise, her eyes fluttered open, but she soon drifted
back to sleep.
    After travelling along a
coast road for five minutes, Matthew turned
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