Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

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Book: Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dakota Lake
he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
I don't really know when we started parting ways with a kiss. Cam and Kenzie always kissed me
goodbye. But when Senka kissed me it felt like something more than a casual kiss goodbye, his lips
always seemed to linger next to my face for a few seconds longer than necessary.
“I'll see you tonight.” he said as he walked out and shut the door.
Grayson wasn't likely to find me now and hiding out in here wasn't so bad, Senka did have some
great music in his room.
I switched his stereo on. Music started thumping out the speakers it was loud and heavy, it was a
nice change from the classical stuff they had downstairs. I didn't have a stereo in my room. There
was one in the swimming pool room but I hadn't found anything other than classical or natural
sound CD's downstairs. Cam probably wouldn't want me listening to this though.
Cam probably wouldn't even want me on this floor but I didn't think he knew about my little trips
up here and that was something I wanted to keep quiet. I walked around Senka's room looking at
some of his artwork he had stacked on the floor. Canvases of scenery, a few of the horses from the
meadows and some other random pieces that were a lot darker with sinister evil looking characters.
I found a sketch book full of pencil drawings mostly of cartoon type characters. Some sketches of
Cam's dogs but right at the back there was a drawing of a girl with long wavy hair in a dress just
like the one I was wearing. The girl had her hand open with a large butterfly sitting on her palm. I
was pretty sure it was a drawing of me it was very accurate and the likeness was uncanny.
I kept myself busy for a few hours looking through Senka's comic book collection, I even had a go
on his games console but I soon felt tired. I had gone to bed late last night and now it was catching
up to me. I spotted a baggy beige vest with a rabbit and gun on the front, Senka had a somewhat
different taste in clothes. I looked at the vest top then down at my dress. It looked much more
comfortable to sleep in than this long thing that I would only get all tangled up in. I slipped off my
dress and threw it over the back of the chair. I pulled the top on and went over to have a look in the
long mirror. It looked long on me but felt comfy and for once I didn't feel suffocated by my clothes.
I switched the stereo off and climbed into Senka's bed hoping he wouldn't mind this was new
territory for me. I usually crashed on the couch in the small games room.
His pillow smelt of coconut just like him. I leaned over and grabbed his MP3 player and popped the
earbuds in my ears, it wasn't as loud as the last stuff I was listening to but it was still edgy. I pulled
the cover up over my head and closed my eyes.
Chapter Two
    When I reopened my eyes I was no longer in Senka's bedroom. I was standing on a pebbled beach.
The sea air blew my hair around my face as the sea waves crashed against the shore line. The sky
was dark and in the distance there was a long pier lit up with fairground rides, a big wheel towered
above the rest in the middle. I knew I'd been here before but I couldn't remember when.
I looked down at my legs and feet which were bare. I was only wearing the vest top I'd fallen asleep
I spun around looking for him. I don't know how but I just knew he would be here. I looked up at
the walk way, he was leaning over the railing watching me. He launched himself over the railing
and landed on the pebbles below and started walking towards me. I started waking backwards away
from him and the mischievous smile on his face grew bigger as he picked up speed. I turned and ran
away from him along the pebble beach. I didn't get very far though he was too quick and I was
barefoot trying to run on pebbles.
He caught up with me and jumped in front of me and lifted me over his shoulder and spun me
around. He carried me back along the beach until we reached the steps where he put me down. I ran
to the
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