
Fade Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fade Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa McMann
Tags: General, Juvenile Fiction
Cabel closes his books, “did you talk to
    Shay today?” Janie couldn"t help noticing Shay was in three of his classes.
    Cabel looks at her with a small smile. Knows what she"s really asking.
    “The thought of being with Shay Wilder makes me want to gouge my
    eyes out with a butter knife,” he says. He pulls Janie toward him in a
    half-hug. She rests her head on his shoulder, and he smoothes her hair.
    “Are you staying tonight?” He asks after a while. There"s hope in his
    Janie thinks about the box of files from Captain on her bed. She hates that they"re sitting there, untouched. It"s like homework hanging over her head. She can"t stand it.
    She also hates the thought of leaving Cabel.
    The question hangs in the air.
    “I can"t,” she says finally. “I"ve got some things to do at home.”
    It"s hard, somehow, to say good-bye tonight. They linger near the back
    door, forehead to forehead and curved like statues as their lips whisper
    and brush together.
    9:17 p.m.
    Janie comes home to a mess after getting stuck hiding in a stand of trees
    for fifteen minutes while Carrie shoveled snow off her car and left, probably off to Stu"s apartment. Janie doesn"t want any questions about
    where she was coming from. She knows the day will inevitably come
    where Carrie discovers Janie"s car in the driveway but Janie not home.
    Luckily, Stu and Carrie spend most of their time together. Carrie"s parents like him all right. Even after Carrie broke down and told them
    she"d been arrested. They seemed relieved to hear that Stu wasn"t into
    Of course, they still grounded Carrie. For life. As usual. 9:25 p.m.
    Janie settles in her bed under the covers, and opens the box of material
    from Captain. She pulls out the first file, and dives into Miss Stubin"s
    ı News flash: Miss Stubin never taught school. ı
    ı And she was married.
    Janie"s jaw hangs open for two hours. The frail, gnarled, blind, stick-thin,
    former school teacher who Janie read books to lived a secret life. 11:30 p.m.
    Janie holds her aching head. Closes the file. Returns the stack to the
    cardboard box and hides it in her closet. Then she turns out her light and
    slips back under the covers.
    Thinks about the military man in Miss Stubin"s dream. Miss Stubin , thinks Janie as a grin turns on her lips, was a player back in
    the day.
    1:42 a.m.
    Janie dreams in black and white.
    She"s walking down Center Street at dusk. The weather is cool and rainy.
    Janie"s been here before, although she doesn"t know what town she"s in.
    She looks around excitedly at the corner by the dry goods store, but
    there is no young couple there, strolling arm in arm.
    “I"m here, Janie,” comes a soft voice from behind. “Come, sit with me.”
    Janie turns around and sees Miss Stubin seated in her wheelchair next to
    a park bench along the street.
    “Miss Stubin?”
    The blind old woman smiles. “Ah, good. Fran has given you my notes.
    I"ve been hoping for you.”
    Janie sits on the park bench, her heart thumping. She feels tears spring to
    her eyes and quickly blinks them away. “It"s good to see you again, Miss
    Stubin.” Janie slips her hand into Miss Stubin"s gnarled fingers.
    “Yes, there you are, indeed.” Miss Stubin smiles. “Shall we get on with
    it, then?”
    Janie"s puzzled. “Get on with it?”
    “If you are here, then you must have agreed to work with Captain Komisky, as I did.”
    “Does Captain know I"m having this dream?” Janie is confused. Miss Stubin chuckles. “Of course not. You may tell her if you wish. Give her my fond regards. But I"m here to fulfill a promise to myself. To
    be available to you, just as the one who taught me remained with me
    until I was fully prepared, fully knowledgeable about what my purpose
    was in life. I"m here to help you as best as I can, until you no longer
    need me.”
    Janie"s eyes grow wide. No! she thinks, but she doesn"t say it. She hopes
    it takes a very long time before she no
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