Eyes of the Soul

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Book: Eyes of the Soul Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rene Folsom
Tags: Romance
memory of their size didn’t do them justice. Just their size alone emanated power and might. The fact that the human eye could see such astrophysical beauty—it was a wonder to think of the details those powerful telescopes could observe and record.
    The moon was very large and almost completely full tonight. The reflection of the sun’s rays across the lunar surface illuminated the dark sky along with the blanket of glimmering stars. Just a tiny little slice of the Earth’s shadow was cast along the moon’s edge. Each divot and hill of the lunar landscape was clearly visible to the naked eye. I felt like, at this altitude, I could just reach out and touch the gray, powdery surface. Knowing it wasn’t possible, but still wanting to try, I reached my hand up toward the glowing orb. I took a moment to examine the contrast between my gloved hand and the distant, rocky terrain of the moon. My silhouetted fingers looked almost transparent as my eyes attempted to adjust between the bright surface of the rock and the darkness of my glove.
    Suddenly, I noticed movement to my right. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me in an attempt to readjust from the bright glow of Earth’s satellite. My eyes darted quickly to the right to catch what was moving beyond the shadows of the mountainous rock walls.
    As I whipped my head to the side, I met with a pair of breathtaking amethyst irises. My heart began to beat wildly as I took in the sight of my love. Millions of stars reflected in her purple eyes, like shimmering diamonds.
    It was like a more detailed version of my first dream about her. Stars in her eyes. Their bright reflection contrasting with the deep, vibrant purple. Her eyes were alive and they were looking at me, begging to look into my soul.
    Her curly golden hair was tucked neatly under her parka. Her nose was red with the bite of cold air whipping around us. Her lips were a dark purple hue in the moonlit night. Her soft smile was absolutely stunning as she broke our trance and looked up at the night sky in wonder. Light flakes of snow landed on her eyelashes like falling confetti at a New Year’s celebration.
    I didn’t say anything. I didn’t make a move. It’s as if I had spotted a doe in the woods and wouldn’t dare startle her in fear that she may run. I wanted her to stay. Stay with me forever.
    I stood there, watching, waiting to see what she would do next. Goose bumps began to rise on her delicate skin as the snow hit her cheeks. As if she was wondering what the cold sensation was, she brought her fingers up to her cheek and gently wiped at the now-wet substance, pulling her fingers away to look at what could have caused the chill. She gazed back up at the night sky and held her hands out, catching the small flurries of snowflakes in her hands and smiling at the vision of them melting once they touched her skin.
    Then she looked at me and bit her luscious lip as if she were nervous to speak to me. God, what I wouldn’t give to release that lip from her teeth and kiss her passionately—making her irrevocably mine. I would make sure she knew how much she meant to me. With one single kiss, I was certain I could make her understand her importance in my life.
    A brisk wind blew, causing the smell of jasmine to overtake my senses. That smell, as did her eyes, called out to me, summoning me closer.
    I heard no sound, but the word her mouth formed was clear as day. She said my name. It might have been nothing more than a whisper. But, I saw her mouth breathe the word, “Jonah.”
    I had the sudden urge to reach out to her. I had to touch her. Hold her. It felt so natural to want to embrace her and comfort her on this chilly night high in the mountains.
    Slowly, I made the few steps it took to be right in front of her. In response, she took a tentative step back. My brow furrowed as I assessed her retreat. This wasn’t the usual reaction I received from her. If anything, in past encounters, she would
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