Eye of the Beholder

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Book: Eye of the Beholder Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dana Marie Bell
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal
found himself staring at Jeff’s closed door. “Yeah. He is. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that was an idle threat, either. If Jeff decides to go after Grimm it’ll get ugly fast.”
    “He can’t handle what Grimm will do to him.” Jordan started pacing, a frown on that pretty face of hers. She brushed her hair behind her ear, missing the way both her men’s eyes latched onto her movements. It was obvious even to a blind man that Logan and Kir were hyper-aware of her every move. Logan sat at Kir’s feet, Kir’s hand drifting into his lover’s hair, playing with it in a way that let Travis know this was a common thing for them.
    Logan rested his head against Kir’s knee, his eyes closing wearily. “We have to figure out a way to keep them safe. Grimm isn’t going to stop here. He’s going to want Gungnir back, and he won’t hesitate to harm either Jeff or Jamie to get it.”
    “Ixnay on the Ungnir-Gay.” Jordan flapped her hands toward Jeff’s closed door.
    Logan rolled his eyes. “Right. Imm-Gray is going to want the glowy toothpick back ASAP. Any ideas, people? Because I’m damn tired of fighting that ass wipe.”
    Travis almost joined Jordan in her pacing. “I doubt he knows I’ve already handed it over to Kir. He’ll expect me to hang onto it a little tighter this time.”
    “ This time?”
    The headache throbbed behind his eyes. “Yeah. This time.” He kept his expression closed, daring Jordan to question him further.
    So, of course, she did. “Do tell.” She sat on the floor next to Logan, curling her feet under her and crossing her arms over her chest.
    Travis grimaced. “What happened to Ix-nay?”
    She sniffed. “Tyr, aka Tiwaz, aka Tio, aka Tyz. The meaning of the name is god. Hence, one of the names of Odin, Hangatyr, or God of the Hanged. How pleasant is that?” She made a face as Logan snorted and Kir hung his head between his hands. “You even have a day named after you. Anyway, some of the myths say you’re Odin’s son, and if that’s true, then ew, if you’re into my sister. Other myths claim you’re one of Odin’s contemporaries. The third myth says you’re older. So, which one is it?”
    He stared down at her. “When did you have time for that? You’ve been in the hospital with Jamie every stinking waking moment.” He knew. He’d been there too, guarding her with his life. If Grimm had made one teeny tiny move toward the woman sleeping in the other room Travis would have killed him.
    Or at least tried to. They still hadn’t figured out how he’d survived Val’s numerous fatal wounds.
    She rolled her eyes. “Remember when Tweedledee and Tweedledum wouldn’t let me out of the condo so all I could do was stuff on the Internet?”
    “Because, y’know, it wasn’t like you’d been shot or anything.”
    She ignored Kir’s mumble and Logan’s glare. “That’s when I looked all that up. Now please, answer the question.”
    “I’m not on trial here.” The headache was full bore now. He’d need to take something soon, then go lie down next to Jamie.
    “No, Trav, you’re not. But every little bit you give us could help stop Grimm.” Her expression was pleading. “Please. For Jamie.”
    “Dirty pool, Grey.”
    “Tait-Saeter. Ow.” Logan rubbed his side where Jordan pinched him.
    “That reminds me. You owe me a wedding. Goober.”
    “Children, play nice.” Kir smiled wearily at the two. “Or I’ll break out the splintery stick.”
    “We’d rather you broke out the other stick.” Logan waggled his tongue at Kir, causing Jordan to fall over with a groan.
    “And on that note, I’m going to bed.” Travis turned and ran for Jamie’s bedroom, Jordan’s quiet, “coward” following him into the room.
    He closed the door behind him and stared at the woman asleep on the bed. As quietly as possible he removed his clothing, all the way down to his boxers. He lifted her up with his right arm, pulling the comforter and sheets from underneath her
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