Expert Witness

Expert Witness Read Online Free PDF

Book: Expert Witness Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Forster
spike. Baseball cap on backwards, she was every bit as graceful and cut as when she played volleyball for USC.
    “Thanks, Burt.” He turned his attention to Billy. “You do the same but I want you on the sand. Go down near the pier and stick there at night if you can.  No panic, just conversation. You hear anything that sounds remotely interesting, it comes back to me. Any time. Day or night.  Don’t try to check it out on your own. You’ve got a cell, right?”
    “Dude.” Billy proudly pulled a state of the art phone out of his pocket. Archer didn’t want to know where he got the bucks for it. “I’ll stay up all night if I got to.”
    Archer gave him the upswing of his chin to let him know that he was grateful.
    “I’ll wait for Angie at Josie’s office and get in to look at Josie’s desk,” he went on. “I think that about does it.”
    Chairs scraped. Burt squeezed Archer’s shoulder as he went by.  Billy hung his head and gave Archer his hand.
    “Dude,” he said again.
    Archer shook it and pushed his chair back toward the table as they scattered. He was about to leave when he heard:
    “What about me? What am I suppose to do?”
    Archer hesitated. He hung his head.

    They cut up Twenty-Second Street and went up a block, then turned left. Hannah walked ten steps ahead of Archer. While she ranted, Archer focused on the hem of her jeans. They were frayed and so long they almost engulfed her gold shoes.
    “What did you expect me to do? Sit home with Max and wait until something happened? You even gave Billy a job, for God sake!”
    “Hannah. Hannah! Hey, slow down.” Archer touched her shoulder. She pulled away. It was part reaction, but there was something personal in it, too. He backed off. “Right now it’s about information, and people in Hermosa don’t know you yet.  No one’s going to talk to you the way they would Billy or Burt or Faye.”
    “You didn’t even ask me what I could do,” Hannah snapped.
    “You came to me for help.” Archer threw up his hands. “If there was something you could do, I figured you would have told me.”
    “I didn’t know what it was. Now I do.”
    “And I didn’t know you’d been working for Josie,” Archer cried. “And I’m sorry. I should have. Okay?”
    Hannah stuck out her hip, the little ring piercing her bellybutton glinted and Archer tried not to look at it. If Hannah was his daughter she wouldn’t be dressing like that, but she wasn’t his daughter or Josie’s and her outrage was that of a grown woman. Heaven help the man who hooked up with her in a few years. Since there was nothing he could say to appease her, Archer did the only thing he could think to do. He walked past her and up to the door of the bungalow that Faye Baxter had converted into a law office.
    Hannah caught up with him and moved him aside with a look. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she bent forward and announced triumphantly.
    “I’ve got the key.”
    The San Diego Freeway, South
    Damn. Damn.
    The traffic was stopped. The freeway south should have been clear this early. He’d made the run five, maybe ten times in preparation, and nothing like this had ever happened. Nothing.
    He raised his hand to hit the steering wheel to relieve some of the pressure that was building, but beside him was a car and in the car was a woman who was looking directly at him.  He knew it even though her eyes were hidden behind her Jackie-O sunglasses. He couldn’t blame her for being interested. There was something about him that drew attention. Any other day he would have reveled in her interest, but today he didn’t want to be recognized so he simply draped his wrist over the wheel. Yep, draped that wrist,let his hand casually swing a little,and offered her a smile that said ‘isn’t this traffic a bitch?’
    She turned her head as if she found him distasteful.
    Traffic, he decided, wasn’t the only thing that was a bitch.
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