sense of accountability. Living with the realization that we will give an account of our lives adds a measure of wisdom that cannot be reached any other way. With that in mind, consider this: Eternity puts loss in its place. Losses are temporary. Every setback and defeat is put in its place because of eternity. And then add to that the realization that the work of the Redeemer takes every bad situation and works it for our good. So not only is every loss temporary, it is actually reversed in its effect to become a blessing and even grounds for personal promotion and gain. And all of that pertains to loss. This is why every believer is able to live with constant hope. Not even wrong things have the ability to derail us.
Every positive thing that happens to us is a building block for our eternal purpose, as this life is school for eternity. We are being trained to rule and reign with Christ. We will not be sitting on a cloud, playing harps. God is a God of continual advancement. The Bride will be adorned beautifully for His glory. And she will come into the fullness of what He has planned for her. It is one of those things that we probably would not believe if it were told to us. It is beyond our wildest dreams. This life is the preparation for that role.
Victories reveal eternal purpose by unveiling God’s system of rewards. Some say they are not interested in rewards; they just want to know God. As noble as it sounds, it seriously undermines God’s economy of faith. Faith requires us to believe Heis, and that “He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
All of our victories are a part of our stories—our testimonies. These testimonies will be treasured for all eternity, as each one is a building block of our stories. We will know one another as we are known and will see one another’s story. We will stand in awe and give praise over and over again to the One who works such wonders in people’s lives. We will finally catch a glimpse of the wonderful tapestry called the history of humanity.
Victories are forever, as they give us a foretaste of heaven, and train us for eternity.
Father, please help me to keep Your perspective on my losses. And help me to realize that all these things work for good because You are good, and You are God. Also increase my understanding of my eternal purpose, as I do not want to live ignorant of the things You are making available to us.
I declare that God makes everything work for His glory, and for my good. I commit to Him all my weakness, failures, triumphs and successes that He might be glorified!
The heart to hear God’s voice is much more important than the ability to hear His voice.
E ric, my oldest son, is profoundly deaf. He is the senior leader of our local church and has an amazing teaching gift and miracle anointing. Together we have seen hundreds of miracles pertaining to deafness. It has been wonderful. But he has not been healed—yet.
He wears a hearing aid in one ear, and is unable to wear one in the other. His hearing loss is in the 85 to 90 percent range, so you can imagine how this affects his life. Yet his ability to function normally is an amazing gift of grace from God. It is astounding to all who know the facts.
I have never required him to hear me better. I never speak softly and then get angry at him for not hearing. It is my responsibility to be heard. Love requires that I adjust my actions to meet his abilities. Sometimes that means that I speak louder than I would to somebody else. If it is a noisy room, I will make sure he is looking at me so that seeing my lips will reinforce what he is hearing.
All of us hear God’s voice. We could not be saved otherwise. He called us to Himself, and we responded and became born again. That is the only way conversion happens. Jesus described our God-given ability when He said that His sheep know His voice. It is a divinely given grace to hear God’s voice. But many