Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3)

Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cassandra Gannon
her own?
    He didn’t seem to notice her confusion, which was also weird. 
Gion usually noticed everything.  Was he edgy about something?
    “What happened with Parald wasn’t you fault.”  He gestured towards
the front of the room where she’d spoken about her past.  “Blaming yourself for
not stopping the Fall is pointless.  Parald’s never listened to anyone and he
certainly wouldn’t have started with you.  You aren’t his favorite person, his
obsessive stalking of you notwithstanding.”
    “He released the Fall because I renounced him.”
    “He released the Fall because he’s a sociopath.”  Gion retorted
    Ty met his intent gaze for a moment and then looked away.  She
concentrated on her coffee.  “Why are you here?”
    A tense pause and then she heard him sigh.  “As I said, I need
that promise you gave me.”
    The liquid in her cup continued to spiral around in small
whirlpool.  Ty kept stirring it just to keep her hands busy.  “Alright.  Tell
me, what do you want and I’ll arrange it.”
    Gion snorted as if that answer frustrated him.  “My God, but
you’re naive.  Anyone with an ounce of self-preservation would tell me to fuck
    Ty wasn’t sure how to respond to that.  “I gave you my word that
    “So what?”  Gion interrupted.  “So what if you promised?  There’s
nothing that will make you live up to it, is there?  Think about it.  Nia is
safe.  What can I possibly do if you decided to renege, at this point?  Take
her back to Chason?”
    “I honestly wouldn’t put anything past you.”  Especially not if
Gion felt that he’d been cheated.  He wasn’t a man who played fair.
    Gion’s jaw ticked.  He set his coffee cup down hard enough to send
the liquid sloshing over the edge.  “I have to go.”
    He turned and Ty realized that Gion really was about to leave. 
Whatever he wanted, he didn’t want to want it.  That was obvious.  Gion
wasn’t someone who was used to asking for things.  This wasn’t just him being
his normal provoking self.  He must genuinely need help.
    “Gion.”  The word was out before Ty thought better of it.
    Ty had only called him by name a few times before.  And, just as
it had on those occasions, the sound of it caused Gion’s attention to instantly
fix on her.  He stopped short and looked back at Ty.  “Yes?”
    She floundered for a beat, with no idea what to say.  Ty usually
had a difficult time maintaining eye contact with people, anyway.  But, with
Gion, it was flat out impossible to hold his gaze for more than a second.  Icy
blue eyes burned into hers, straight through to Ty’s soul, and she glanced
away, again.
    Gion sighed.
    “Ty.”  Ashley, Ty’s sponsor, came over, a huge grin on her face. 
Her honey colored hair was tied back in a ponytail and her t-shirt featured a sequined
palm tree.  “Sweetie, you were great up there.”
    Ashley was a warm and caring human, nine years and seven months
sober from her addiction to cocaine.  She liked mothering everyone in the
group, which Ty found sort of endearing since Ashley was only forty-one.  In
Elemental terms, she was still a baby herself.  “You were open and honest, and
I know how hard that must have been.”  Ashley moved forward as if she planned
on sharing a hug.
    Ty experienced a surge of alarm.  She didn’t like touching people. 
In fact, she shied away from all contact.  Ashley wasn’t dangerous.  Ty knew
that, but she couldn’t help her automatic recoil.  Ty instinctively stepped
back to avoid the hug.
    And ran right into Gion.
    She hadn’t heard him come up behind her, but he was standing right
there when Ty retreated.  One of his graceful hands came down and caught hold
of her arm, steadying her.
    Supporting her.
    Ty tiled her face back in surprise, even as she felt her energy
tune towards his.  Gion’s powers brushed against hers and Ty felt a spark deep
inside of her.  Her heart started pounding,
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