Ex on the Beach

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Book: Ex on the Beach Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kim Law
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
Nah … nothing to worry about there. Every girl gets left at the altar at least once in her life, didn’t you know? It’s pretty much a ritual. We learn about it in the sixth grade.”
    Man, she wanted him out of there. If he didn’t leave, she feared she would step around the desk and get right up in his face. That had always been the point where she could make him snap. Once there, he was as likely to kiss her as yell at her. And for some reason, she had the feeling that either one might do it for her at the moment.
    What the hell was wrong with her? She hadn’t seen this man since he hadn’t shown up at their wedding, and she was practically ready to jump his bones. And he was married!
    “I’m …” he paused again, then put his hands on his hips and took a step back. He slowly pulled in a long breath then let it out. When he opened his mouth, he came out with the last thing she expected to hear.
    “I’m not married.”

    N ot married?” Andie choked out a laugh. That was bull. “Come off it. I saw the announcement. You two were perfect for each other.”
    Mark nodded, his jaw working back and forth. “Yeah, perfect. But then …” He looked away and snapped his teeth together. He was still running on fumes. “Doesn’t matter. We didn’t get married.” He licked his lips and gave an unconcerned shrug. “She dumped me.”
    That was not what she’d been expecting to hear. Nor was the rapid kick start in her chest something she’d ever wanted to feel in the vicinity of him ever again. “Good,” she muttered. “A taste of your own medicine. Hope she left you at the altar, too.”
    He laughed, a weary chuckle that she felt all the way to her toes, and dragged his hand down over his face. “No, actually. Not at the altar. But yes, it did give me a taste of my own medicine.”
    The anger in the room suddenly evaporated, and they stood there quietly staring at each other. Andie had no idea what he was thinking, but she was fighting the very real urge to cry. She had once loved him so very much.
    The outer corners of his hazel eyes drooped slightly with his long sigh, and a sad look came over his face. “Andie, I really am — ”
    The door burst open. “Andie, we need you at the house.”
    Kayla stood at the door, with Roni on her tiptoes behind her peeking over her shoulder.
    “I’m sorry,” Roni mouthed. “She wouldn’t wait.”
    Kayla’s eyes widened at the sight of Mark in the room. “I apologize for interrupting, Ms. Shayne. Mr. Kavanaugh.” She gave a quick nod to Mark, apparently recognizing him from the photo in her files, then looked back at Andie. “You’re needed at the house.”
    Escape! Though Kayla wouldn’t have sought her out if it wasn’t important.
    “I’m sorry, Mr. Kavanaugh, but since we were finished anyway …” Andie rose. “Your meal should be coming up any minute. If you’ll return to the bar, Roni will take care of you and Mr. McTavish.” She eyed Roni, making it clear that she had some explaining to do for letting Mark in the back of the restaurant in the first place.
    Before Mark could stop her, Andie walked out of the room and didn’t look back. Only then did she notice that her hands were shaking.
    She so had not been ready for him. And certainly not for an apology after all this time. She had little doubt that was what the man had been about to do, though. The sudden look of shame he’d sported had been a good indication.
    Of course, he should be ashamed, but after four years, she would’ve guessed his past actions never crossed his mind.
    And the fact that he wasn’t married? A shiver wracked her body. She certainly hadn’t expected that. Him being married was what she’d been counting on since she’d read his name on the list that morning — to not let it matter. To not let him matter. She’d put that tidbit of information at the forefront of her mind, and it was supposed to keep her from thinking about anything concerning
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