Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance

Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shiloh Walker
Tags: Romance
got to get some tests and shit done.”
    He tossed the bottle he held over to the other suit – Ryan, I remembered – and I watched as Ryan opened the bottle, shook out some medicine, and brought it to Jake. They spoke in low tones and the look on Carly’s face was somber, something sad in her eyes.
    It was a private moment and I shifted, uncomfortable being in the middle of something that was clearly personal. The hotel guys were looking away too, I noticed.
    Then Carly shook her head a little, as if focusing. When she looked back at me, her brazen smile was back in place.
    “We had coverage lined up,” she said. “Except the guy who was here, his wife went into early labor this morning. The other guy? Just took his first vacation in two years. He can get here, but...” Her voice trailed off and her gaze shifted to Jake.
    “Ridley needs the vacation.” Jake gave me a cool look, clearly assessing my every reaction.
    “Yeah, I bet.” Running my tongue across my teeth, I looked between the three of them and asked, “Just what exactly do you want me to do?”
    She cocked her head as she explained, “I basically need you to do just what you did earlier. Help with annoying reporters, keep me from doing stupid things like running out in front of cars.”
    “Sounds like you need a babysitter.”
    A strange, choking noise came from the couch.
    Carly narrowed her eyes on me as I glanced over to see if it had been Ryan or Jake laughing at us, but I couldn’t tell. They both wore that blank face that professional security knew how to do well.
    So I looked back at her.
    “Well, I pay my babysitters five thousand for the week. Or, at least, that’s what I’m willing to pay you.”
    I blinked, waiting for someone else to say how ludicrous the offer was.
    Except no one did.
    Carly stood there, smiling. The hotel suits looked bored. Jake and Ryan didn't even blink.
    “Okay. I’m waiting for the punchline.”
    “There is no punchline, Mr...?”
    “Cantrell,” I said. I had to clear my throat, because my voice sounded like a faint ghost of itself.
    “Okay, Mr. Cantrell. Bobby Cantrell.” She took a step toward me. “I need another bodyguard for when I’m out and about. Jake will still be with us most of the time. But he’s got a few things to do while we’re here, and since my back-up is going to be preoccupied with his daughter, I need an extra set of hands. Two good hands.” She flashed those dimples at me. “And since Jake has only one now, I figure you owe me yours.”
    “You still got the other guy.” I jabbed a finger at Ryan, and then gestured to the other suits. “And all of them. Take one of them.”
    Carly glanced at the hotel suits. “I can’t. They're with the hotel. I need my own personal security when I leave here. That’s why I want to hire you.”
    This whole situation was making me antsy now. Skimming a hand back over my hair, I looked from her to the security detail, to Ryan and Jake, and then back at her. “Okay, I’m not getting it. Just why the hell do you need bodyguards? Three of them? Or two and a half. Whatever. Are you Princess Diana’s long-lost daughter or something?”
    Carly rolled her eyes, the gesture making me want to laugh. “I wish. Maybe then this circus might be a little more fun.” She shook her head. “This is...bizarre. You’ve seriously never heard of me.”
    “No.” I shook my head, drawing the word out. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”
    She blew out a breath and then sighed. “My name is Carly Prince.”
    I lifted a brow, waiting for the rest.
    “My father was Phoenix Prince.” Those lovely blue eyes fixed on me and she smiled just a little. But it wasn't a nice smile. It was more like resignation. Like she was sure things would change as soon as things clicked.
    And then – click – they did and I felt like somebody had just hit me across the head with a sledgehammer.
    Phoenix Prince. “Son of a bitch.”

Chapter 3
    The one thing I’d never
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