Evince Me
gaze burning into the side of my face as I walked
away from him. It felt like pieces of my heart and soul were being
ripped from me with each step I took away from him, but I had to do
    I needed to prove a point; that point being I'm
not one to be disrespected. I'm a princess for heaven's sake...his
mate...the future Luna of his pack and I won't tolerate being
treated that way. Not by him, nor by any other person or wolf.
    The first fifteen minutes of the car ride home
was spent in complete silence, as I sat in the front seat glaring
daggers out the window into the dark night sky. Do I have a valid
reason for being so pissed off or am I overreacting? Thankfully,
Lonso allowed me to sulk in my misery as he listened quietly to the
    Clearing my throat I glanced over at my brother.
"How long did it go on for?" I asked in curiosity, surely he
witnessed the whole thing with Tristan only being at the other end
of the bar.
    His deep brown eyes flickered to me quickly
before landing back on the road ahead. "For like five minutes. She
approached us with a shot in hand, said her name was Evie and asked
Tristan to take a celebration drink for her birthday." Lonso
admitted deep in thought.
    "At first Tristan kept graciously declining, I
felt bad for him so I offered to drink with her, but she adamantly
refused. Said she always wanted to drink with an American." Lonso
finished almost like he was choosing his words carefully.
    I swear he better not be holding anything back,
older brother or not I'll still beat the crap out of him! "Ok, so
what happened after that?" I pressed for more info waving my hand
in a circular motion for him to continue on with the story.
    "Tristan grabbed the drink from her, I guess he
figured if he drank it quickly then she'd go away and leave us
alone." Lonso shrugged, but his body language told me differently.
"She didn't leave, she hung out there talking to Tristan and not
two minutes after that she led him to the other end of the bar. We
asked where he was going, but he didn't answer."
    Ok, so Tristan denied her advances...got
annoyed...and ended up taking the drink in hopes of getting rid of
her. Why would he then allow her to lead him to the other end of
the bar though? What'd she say to Tristan to make him follow
    "You said you felt funny after someone gave you
a drink, right?" Lonso confirmed with a look of worry flashing past
his eyes as he stared over at me. I nodded my head, the space
between my eyebrows crinkling up...I don't understand what that has
to do with anything.
    "Rico and I think the two of you may have been
drugged, Marco might not have shown up tonight but there's no doubt
in my mind he has something to do with all this." Lonso sighed
gripping the steering wheel tightly. "We think they spiked your
drinks with Black Ice, it’s the only thing that could explain why
Tristan didn't hear you calling out for him."
    "Black Ice has effects similar to roofies in
wolves and it also has the ability to sever the mind link between
mates when given in extreme doses it can cut off mind links to
everyone." Lonso's explanation made me feel like pure crap for the
way I treated Tristan. Black Ice, what in the heck is that?
    I needed to talk to Tristan, let him know I
wasn't mad at him anymore for something he had no control over in
the first place. How rotten of me to think he'd actually cheat on
me. "Why would they give it to Tristan and I?" I wondered out loud,
they didn't actually act on it. Was this some sort of a trial run,
a test?
    We were stopped at a four-way intersection,
which was relatively deserted. Before Lonso had the chance to
answer my question a truck came flying out of nowhere t-boning our
SUV, hitting Lonso's side.
    The impact sent our truck flying and rolling
over and over again. I threw my hands up to cover my face
reflexively as the windows shattered sending glass shards all over
us. The crunching sound of metal scraping
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