Everything to Him

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Book: Everything to Him Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Coldwell
the main reasons why Felix and Amber employed her.
    After dinner, Josh had been given a guided tour of the house. He’d seen the spa room, with the pool where Amber swam every day, and the home cinema, where the couple watched the latest films and their pick of the best shows from the various Midas channels. Felix showed off his collection of gold and platinum records, including the one for Midas’ first ever million-selling single, awarded back when he’d still been a student. Alongside those records hung pictures of Felix with some of Midas’ best-known acts, from the adult-orientated rock band Sweet Lies to Britrock icons Twist to Katie K. Felix talked about the struggles he’d had to establish Midas Records, the challenges he’d faced in being taken seriously in such a competitive industry. Everyone had expected his little label to be swallowed up by a bigger player. Instead, he’d thrived, and expanded into TV, radio and the written press, always with more successes than failures. None of this was on the record, Josh’s voice recorder remaining firmly switched off. There would be time enough for him to get all the quotes he needed over the course of the coming week.
    When they’d finally gone to bed, well after midnight, Josh had found it hard to drift off, despite all the rich food and drink he’d consumed. He’d tossed and turned, mind filled with images of all the things a trio could do with one another in bed, picturing Amber soft and warm and naked beneath him, taking his cock deep in her body while Felix watched the two of them in action and stroked his own dick. Were Felix and Amber fucking now, he’d wondered. The thought that they might have been had excited him further, and he’d fought the urge to take himself in hand. At last, he’d slept, but it had seemed only moments before his alarm went off. He’d taken a quick shower, then joined Amber and Felix—both of whom looked a lot more refreshed than he did—to wait for their car to arrive.
    This was Felix Meredith’s everyday experience—a chauffeur to transport him to the airport, priority check-in, the cocooned world of the first-class cabin. Josh had done his best not to show how unused he was to the fully reclining seats, complimentary champagne and attentive service that greeted him on board the plane. He’d been asleep before they’d even served the in-flight meal.
    Now, he gazed out of the window at the vast expanse of ocean beneath them, the islands of the Caribbean dotted like jewels in the blue sea. In Antigua, they would transfer to a private plane for the short trip to Anguilla, where they would board a boat to take them out to Felix’s secluded estate on Clearwater Cay.
    Passing him on the way back to her seat, having gone to freshen up before landing, Amber gave him a warm smile. “You okay, Josh?”
    “Yeah. I just can’t imagine ever getting used to all this.” He waved his hand in a gesture that encompassed the first-class cabin.
    “It takes a while, believe me. But if you can have the advantages money can bring, why not make the most of them? I can’t understand those people who say they’d keep their old way of life if they won the lottery jackpot. If that’s the case, why enter it?”
    At that moment, the pilot made his request for passengers to take their seats in preparation for landing, and Amber returned to hers, but not before giving Josh’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Of course money could change your life. He just hadn’t anticipated that Felix’s money might, in some strange way, change his.
    * * * *
    A couple of hours later, a small, white-painted boat pushed through the choppy waters of Clearwater Bay. Ahead, the island of Clearwater Cay came into view, its low hills thickly covered with trees. Even from this distance, Josh could see the beaches were pure white, clean and unspoiled. He couldn’t wait to pull off his boots and feel that warm sand beneath his feet.
    “Nearly there
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