Everything I Want

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Book: Everything I Want Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Barnes
have a heart attack. Matt loves fucking around with people. Stupid ass. But he is kind though. “And, finally, this is Cory.” Cory walks up to Frankie with his right hand extended. “He is lead guitar.” I stated before taking another quick glimpse at Tristan. Caleb and he are now standing behind me. Tristan has this sexy smirk playing on his lips with his arms crossed in front of him. Caleb just whispers something in his ear and Tristan nods. I wonder what Caleb just said?
    Frankie yells something towards the warehouse. But I didn’t make out what he just said because my mind was wrapped around Tristan and Caleb’s muted conversation. “Okay! So everyone, this is my assistant, Chloe. She’s fabulous. Now let’s play, shall we?” He claps a couple times. You can definitely tell he’s excited about this. Chloe is shorter and a little stubby. She has short, purple hair and her cute little dimples have piercings in them. She dresses like someone who lived in Seattle back in the early nineties with her baggy olive-colored pants and red flannel shirt unbuttoned at the top. She’s wearing what looks like skate shoes. She gives us a shy smile and a low wave.
    We head toward the warehouse where everything is set up and displayed. I instantly eye up a table and a rack, which I know is for me, and beeline right for it.
    “Chloe, darling, take these fine men to their tables. I wanna have some fun with Miss Ariel over here.” Frankie is circling his index finger at me. “She’s gonna be so much fun!” Chloe leads the guys away, talking with Roger. Tristan and Caleb then enter our designated area. My stomach flips again just seeing Tristan come through the door, staring back at me.

    Frankie starts pulling out all these great-looking corsets. Some are made up of dark leathers and others of red satin and silk, with an overlay of lace. Stunning! All of these pieces are absolutely stunning, and I want them all. I was dazed until Tristan’s deep voice snaps me out of it. “You sure you should be making her look like a whore?” He’s giving Frankie a stern look then looks over to me with his dark eyes.
    “Don’t be silly, Tristy.” Frankie giggles to himself then looks at me, rolling his eyes. Tristan looks pissed. Yep, there’s the guy I remember! I was wondering where he was hiding. Not! “I’m the professional here, boy. If I needed advice in heavy metal or whatever, I would ask you. But… This is fashion and it’s what I do. Mm-kay? Now go run along with the other boys.” Frankie has his hands now on his slender hips, giving a little shake. He is clearly not intimidated by Tristan’s wrath. I admire Frankie even more.
    “I just don’t think you should be having her shit hang out all over the place. She’s a fucking musician.” Tristan growls, ignoring me completely now. Oh, now, Tristan has gone and done it. Frankie takes a couple steps over to him and starts waving his hand in his face. All the guys at the other table look up for a second before returning to what they were doing. “Excuse fucking me. Lux called me, okay? Why? Because I’m fucking awesome, okay? And last week, Lux showed me the video of them in Chicago, and this girl was pretty much wearing the same garments on stage. It’s called a show! So you no need to be here.”
    My mouth has now literally hit the floor. Fuck Tristan for trying to judge my costumes. I have to remind myself later to give Frankie a much appreciative hug. Tristan turns and gives me the shit eye before walking over to the guys’ section. I have no fucking clue what possessed him to even be this way over wardrobe. I look over at Frankie. “Thank you,” I whispered to him. “Baby doll, it’s no problem. I worked with him a few times. He never got this involved before but always had little remarks to say. Now let’s go to hair and makeup and get you ready to rock. Because girl when I’m done with you, you’re gonna fucking own the shit.” We
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