Evermore, an Arotas Novella (The Arotas Series)
shoulders as
she bounces on her toes. “I am so happy right now. You guys are
just so, so…” She squeals again and leaps back, beaming
from ear to ear.
grins as he rubs his neck where Sadie hung off him. “Nice to
know I have been missed.”
my gosh.” Sadie gasps. “You have no freakin’ clue
how depressed Roseline has been. She didn’t eat, wouldn’t
speak to me, and she wore the same outfit for four days in a row!”
laughs as Gabriel glances down at her clothes. “Not these clothes.”
know, I thought I smelled something funny.” He squeezes her
hand and then looks back at Sadie. “So she was a wreck without
talking a one hundred car train derail right in the middle of New
York City during rush hour kind of bad. Fires. Screaming. Oh, the
horror!” Sadie throws her arm dramatically over her face.
wasn’t that bad.”
Roseline protests, but she knows no one believes her.
raises her hand to his lips. His gaze is tender as he smiles against
the back of her hand. “I love you too.”
warm flush races up from her hand and she blushes, feeling Sadie’s
rapt gaze.
Nicolae nods in greeting as he approaches, not even bothering to hide
his own smile as he stops at Sadie’s side. His posture is
relaxed, without any hint of the tension that used to reside heavily
on his shoulders. Much has changed in the past couple of weeks.
Hunters have become not just her allies, but friends as well. “It’s
good to see you up and walking again. You sure gave us a scare for a
few days.”
punches him on the shoulder. He winces, rubbing his wounded arm, but
she hardly notices. “He’s been claiming that he knew you
were coming back all along. Such a hypocrite!”
grins as he gives Sadie a once over. “I like the new look. Red
really suits you, Sadie.”
pale cheeks darken as she casts a furtive glance at Nicolae, who in
turn winks back. “He’s got a thing for redheads
apparently. Can’t keep his hands off me.”
did not need to hear that,” a voice calls from behind. Roseline looks
over Sadie’s shoulder to see William heading their way. She
stifles a laugh behind her hand. He walks with a bit of an awkward
swagger now, like he’s trying to appear confident but is
failing miserably. Maybe being around so many immortals hasn’t
fully helped him to come to terms with Sadie’s transformation
yet. “Hands off my sister, Nicolae. She’s still mine.”
rolls her eyes and makes no move to part from Nicolae’s side.
Gabriel grins. “Learn to pick your battles, dude. That ship has
already sailed way out of your reach.”
tries to feign a grimace, but everyone knows he’s not really
upset. In fact, Roseline has a sneaking suspicion he has gained a
great amount of respect for Nicolae over the past couple of weeks,
despite the fact that Nicolae is fooling around with his sister. At
least William doesn’t have to listen to their giggles in the
middle of the night from across the castle. If there is one thing she
would love to change about immortality, it would be her ability to
hear through walls as if they were as thin as paper. Sometimes it’s
just better not to hear some things.
Sadie draws out, a wicked grin on her face as she glances between her
friends. “Looks like you two had a good night.”
William pales at his sister’s statement. She giggles and loops
her arm through Nicolae’s. He shifts and slides his arm farther
around her waist, tucking his hand deep into her back pocket.
shakes his head. “I’m sorry for my sister. She was
repeatedly dropped on her head as a baby.”
smiles. “It’s fine, William. It’s not like I’ve
never done this before.”
for yourself.” Gabriel grins, wrapping his arm around her waist
and tugging her close. “Best night of my life, man.”
hint of heat stains William’s cheeks and
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