Ever Fire
Lotinar’s lieutenants, sent to pick us up. Beats traveling by foot any day, don’t you think?” He smiled down at her surprised face.
    “Wow. Something new to learn every day. I couldn’t agree more.” Shade returned the smile, her mood elevated with his disarming charm; which rarely came out. She jumped to her feet along with Soap and followed Dylan towards the familiar group of warriors.
    Camulus turned out to be part Elven and part Pixie. His long hair was pulled back in a thick tail of silver-blond, a trademark belonging to the Elves. His skin was a smooth, leafy type, green, like a Pixie, and his eyes were a gleaming, fiery, orange-yellow. Shade wasn’t sure which one of his heritages gave him those.
    “Camulus, I’d like you to meet Shade, the newest member of our Court.” Dylan gave Shade a slight shove to push her towards the green guard. Shade swallowed back her shock and managed to crack a timid smile.
    “Um, hi, uh, Camulus? Pleasure to meet you.” She shook his hand and noticed the smoothness of his hand, which seemed a bit thin with abnormally long fingers. He did have a firm grip. She slowly pulled away, but his hand lingered a moment longer, testing her grip just the same. He watched her curiously but then let her go, smiling and flashing pearly white teeth.
    “The pleasure is mine, Shade. I’ve heard much about you,” he said while still staring at her.
    “Have you? All good I hope.” She felt herself continue to flush under his relentless gaze.
    “Extremely good indeed.”
    Shade glanced away from the intensity of his fire-lit eyes. They seemed to see into her, peeling away her surface to get right through her somehow. It was almost as if he knew a little too much about her. She wondered just how much he had heard, and from whom.
    “I apologize for my curiosity, m’lady. I’m most intrigued by you. A wielder of the Water Magic of the Santiran Fountains is unheard of. I would most love to see how you use it sometime.” Camulus bowed, never letting his intense stare waver. She smiled and returned the gesture. She had to admit that he intrigued her too, not in an infatuated way, but more in a curious way instead.
    “Shall we proceed then?” Dylan motioned to the rest of the group. Camulus held his hand out as he gestured her to take it. She slipped her fingers through his and stepped back, allowing Sary to take his other hand as the rest of the group linked up into a circle.
    “Ready? Hold on tight, this might feel disorientating.” Camulus said as he closed his eyes. In the next moment, the world flashed away. Shade felt like she was hurling uncontrollably, and held fast to the hands she gripped. The toss ended almost as fast as it had begun. Shade opened one eye followed by the other to find them still standing in a circle, but the forest was gone. Instead, a great glass castle stood before them on a lush, grassy, hillside. They released their hands and examined their new surroundings.
    “Wow, that was a rush! How did you do that?” Shade’s face flushed scarlet as she pressed her lips together, realizing her outburst. Shoot, I must look like an idiot!
    Camulus smiled back at her. His brilliant eyes glowed back at her even brighter with the mid-morning sun reflecting across his irises, much like cat eyes on fire.
    “That’s pretty much the reaction I get from first timers. Pretty cool, huh?” Camulus’ face lit up as he winked towards her.
    Shade nodded, wondering how it was that he seemed to chat along with her as if he were just another person, not an Elven Guard. “Do you ever venture outside of Faerie? Like wear glamours or anything? You seem pretty laid back for being Fey. I mean, like you hang with humans sometimes.”
    He nodded, raising an eyebrow as his eyes danced while pondering her questions. “Ya, I like checking out the iron cities around Faerie. Humans are quite fascinating. I wear pretty strong glamours to not stand out like a sore thumb and to ward off the
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