Eternity (Circle of Light)

Eternity (Circle of Light) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Eternity (Circle of Light) Read Online Free PDF
Author: April Margeson
spoken, “Stop by any time.”  
    “Same goes for you”, he said excitedly.
    Eric stopped and turned back. “Could I have your phone number?” he cleared his throat nervously. “Just in case I need directions or something?”
    “Sure.” I quickly agreed and pulled my cell phone from my pocket and handed it to him.  He gave me his cell phone and we put each other’s number in the others phone.
    “Thanks. It’s nice to know I have at least one friend now.” I felt sorry for him when he said that. There was something about his tone that made me feel that he was sad.
    With our phones back in hand we said goodbye and each started walking to our houses.  I wondered if the move was causing him any unwarranted stress.  Moves alone are hard enough, but to not have any friends tends to make everything much worse.
    I was putting the key in the lock when I heard him call my name.
    “Bailey!” he shouted as he jogged to my front door. “Bailey, hold on a second!” 
    I turned and sat down on the steps as he reached the porch.
    “What is it?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”
    “No.” he said as he waved his hands gesturing his response.
    He paced nervously. I could tell he wanted to ask me something, but was afraid too. He ran his hand through his hair and I quickly noticed he was more nervous than I had initially. Not wanting to make it worse for him, I smiled and waited for him to say whatever it was he had on his mind.
    “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was just wondering if it would be alright if you could let me take your picture? I wanted it for your contact information on my phone and to prove to my parents that I am trying to make friends.” he said as his face turned bright red. “And I have a problem remembering people’s names when I first meet them.”
    “Sure, no problem, but you have to let me take one of you for mine.”
    He agreed with a gentle laugh. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and tried to pose for the picture in the best way I could.  I went for a more sweet and innocent look, instead of trying for a sultry, more provocative look.  It was a good decision because I don’t want his parents to think I’m a slut or anything like that.
    He took longer than I thought he was going to and, actually, I think he took more than one picture I didn’t mind if he did. I took it as a compliment.
    He smiled a huge smile as I took his picture.  His cheeks were turning a distinct shade of pink.  I had, apparently, embarrassed him.  That seemed like it was going to be very easy to do. He hung around for a minute longer, trying to make small talk instead of just leaving immediately after our picture exchange.  He was trying to not be rude, I think.
    “I guess I had better get inside.  I have some things to do before my mom gets home.”  
    “Thanks, see you later sweetie.” he said as he made his way back to his house. 
    “See you. ” I said even though he was clearly out of distance to hear it.  I picked up my shopping bag and went inside.
    It was like I was floating as I went in the front door. I was even having a hard time breathing for some reason.  Surely it wasn’t completely because of him, but I knew it was.  He was having a n intense effect on me.  I was almost head over heels for him already.  What a big dork I’m being.  I don’t know this guy and here I am stumbling all over myself and acting all strange.  Jeez, I really have to get it together, I thought to myself.             
    I've been attracted to other guys before, but not once had it ever felt like this.  My body was absolutely taken over by the feeling that I was being pulled to him.  It was strange, but exciting and mysterious at the same time and I wondered if this was really what it felt like to fall in love, or was it all just puppy love?  I ho pe it’s the real thing.  I don’t think I can bear it if it wasn’t.
    From my bedroom window I could see his house.  A million
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