Eternal Service

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Book: Eternal Service Read Online Free PDF
Author: Regina Morris
held by humans and normally would compel their way out of any situation. Of course, it all depended on the suspect’s evil agenda.
    “Yo, you and I are going to talk,” Sterling said to the thug.
    “Fuck you, pretty boy!”
    “Now that’s not a nice way to greet someone,” Raymond said.
    Medina spit his reply.
    “Your attitude is only going to piss me off. Trust me; I can eat thugs like you for breakfast. I really can.” With his gloved hands, Sterling grabbed Medina’s head and forced him to stare into his eyes. “You are going to cooperate with me and these agents. Do you understand?”
    Medina’s skin paled and his eyes went dim. “I understand.”
    “You’ll answer every single question they ask of you.”
    “ Answer questions.”
    Sterling removed his gloves and touched the man’s clothing. Next he compelled the man to remove any jewelry, and he began touching that as well. Finally, he touched the man’s skin. Raymond watched. He had seen his son in action many times, and was proud of how he used his ability – especially since Sterling’s skin would become itchy, and migraines usually formed because of it.
    Sterling sat back down and put on his gloves. “I got security codes, dates and names,” he said to his father in a matter–of–fact tone. He glanced back at Medina. Hell, Sterling had some time. “You’re also not going to leer at any female guards while you are in custody. You will treat them with respect.”
    Raymond rolled his eyes. Leave it to Sterling to be the champion of the damsels in distress.
    “No leering. Respect only,” Sterling said. “And I want to hear some ‘please’ and ‘thank yous’ from now on. Use your manners,”
    “ Manners,” Medina meekly said.
    “You’ll volunteer information about prior crimes you committed to these agents,” Sterling said with a smile.
    “ Crimes.”
    “And you’ll rat your buddies out on their crimes.” Sterling added.
    Raymond jumped in, “If any innocent lives are in jeopardy by you doing this, you will tell the guards immediately.”
    “Rat out buddies. Save innocent lives.”
    Sterling shrugged his shoulders in response to his father’s input. “That’s a good boy.” Sterling said to the thug, handing him a tissue. “Clean that up!” He pointed out where he had spat on the floor. Sterling then opened the door to let the two detectives in. Next Raymond, Sterling and Lt. Gallendar went to the next of the three rooms to have similar conversations with the other two men in custody.

    Friday morning arrived quicker than expected. Raymond looked over at the alarm clock which would go off any minute now. He stretched to wake up his muscles, and then his phone chirped at him. He knew who the text came from.
    He partially sat up in bed and reached for the phone. Suddenly his palms became sweaty as he held it, and his heart began to race. The message was from exactly who he thought it would be, the Vampire Council. Last night, after he told Sulie about Dixon’s retirement, she begged Raymond to make a request to the Council to have Dixon turned. She need not have bothered with her plea; he planned to make the request on Dixon’s behalf anyway. Being turned is what the man wanted. Raymond held his breath as he opened the message.
    No other explanation was given. Nothing else but the one word.
    “Christ!” Raymond threw the phone back onto the nightstand. He lay in bed for a few minutes mad at the Council, but also rethinking in his mind how to break the news to Dixon.
    The alarm clock sounded and brought him out of his concentration. The answer was what it was; with nothing else to be done. He hit snooze on the alarm to give himself a few more minutes to think of anything else other than Dixon.
    He heard the house come alive with activity, even from his bedroom on the third floor. The snooze was hit two times before he finally rubbed his eyes, awakened, and decided to start the day. He looked at
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