Enemy of Mine

Enemy of Mine Read Online Free PDF

Book: Enemy of Mine Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brad Taylor
always waiting on Omega.
    In truth, the rotations had grown boring, with only one bit of adventure when Crusty had moved from Tunis, the capital, to Sousse, farther down the coast, after the uprisings that brought down the government in the initial salvos of the Arab Spring. Crusty didn’t know it, but the move actually fit in better for the Taskforce cover. His desire to remain anonymous to whatever new government took over had inadvertently helped them out.
    A couple of years ago, Knuckles had actually gotten Omega authority while he was on rotation—on the X and ready to go—whenhe’d been diverted to another mission, sparing the terrorist yet again. He had begun to think that Crusty would never go. That he had some lucky charm allowing him to evade the U.S. net, even though he stomped around in plain sight. Knuckles had deployed to Sousse with his team three days ago, and while transitioning with Johnny’s team, prepping for yet another collection mission, the mythical Omega call came from Colonel Hale.
    The Bluetooth in his ear chirped, the voice coming through sounding sterile because of the encryption. “Knuckles, this is Decoy. We’re in.”
    “Good to go…break, break, Johnny, you got eyes on Crusty?”
    “Still at the office. No issues.”
    Lieutenant Colonel Blaine Alexander, the element leader for Omega operations, had decided to continue with the collection mission first, before taking Crusty down. Knuckles had fought it, wanting to do the mission and get the hell out of Tunisia, but there’d been some chatter about an assassination attempt, and while an interrogation would collect invaluable data, there was the option to simply monitor Crusty for a few days. See what he said and who he talked to. So, they were planting clandestine cameras inside his residence, imaging his hard drive and wiring the place for sound. If it didn’t provide any benefit, they’d take him down.
    Knuckles couldn’t fault Blaine’s logic, especially since Crusty had evaded capture for damn near ten years. Interrogations were fine, and Crusty would get plenty of them, but you never really knew if the subject wasn’t just stringing you along, telling you a bald-faced lie to protect himself. As Blaine had said about the cameras, “one-eye don’t lie.”
    A few more days won’t hurt…if I don’t melt.
    He looked at his watch and called Johnny again, wondering why Crusty was breaking his pattern, today of all days.
    “Johnny, this is Knuckles, what’s his status? He should have broken the box ten minutes ago.”
    “Easy. I’ve got the place locked down, and a beacon on his moped. He’s still inside. If it changes, I’ll call you.”
    Knuckles paused, wanting to remind Johnny who was in charge out here on the ground. He took the high road.
    “Roger. Standing by.”
    The call aggravated him. The light admonishment of “easy” was a direct slap in his face. Made more glaring because everyone on the net knew that he’d just spent the last eight months in physical therapy from a catastrophic wound sustained on a mission similar to this one. It was an unspoken question of whether he was still capable.
Like I’m about to panic or something.
    In truth, Johnny’s team should have been headed home right now, but with the additional mission tasked by Blaine, they’d stayed behind, their whole purpose to keep eyes on Crusty while Knuckles’ team did the breaking and entering. It made sense, because Johnny’s men had the most recent pattern of life on the target, but the call still grated.
    His earpiece crackled, bringing him back to the mission. “Cameras and mikes in place. Going to image the hard drive now.”
    “Roger. No movement on the target. Plenty of time.”
    Johnny cut in, “Crusty’s on the move. Got a trigger on the moped.”
    “Say again? The moped’s moving? Who was the trigger on the office? Did you get positive ID that he left the building?”
    “Uhh…no. No PID. But the moped’s leaving
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