Enemy in Blue

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Book: Enemy in Blue Read Online Free PDF
Author: Derek Blass
right, will do.” 
    Sandra turned around and went back to the front desk. “I found him,” she whispered to Cruz.
    * * * *
    Tomko got back to the police station and went straight to Shaver's office.  Shaver was sitting behind his desk talking to Lindsey, but stopped and asked, “Get something good?”
    “ Max gave the camera's drive to Martinez. I think everything was recorded.”
    “ So, it was fucking recorded!”
    “ He didn’t say what was on the drive, just that Martinez took it.”
    “ We know what's on the drive.”
    “ Yeah, Sarge.  Did you get a hold of Martinez?”
    “ No, for all I know he could be across the border by now—and with that damn drive.”
    “ Nah, he wouldn’t do that,” Tomko said.
    “ What do you mean?”
    “ Martinez isn’t like that.  Too by the book.  If anything, I bet he’s struggling with coming back here or giving it to someone else.”
    “ Well, since you've apparently mind-fucked him so much, why don’t you give him a call?  And speaking of our colored friends, where the hell is Williams?”
    “ I assume with Martinez.  Those two are inseparable.”
    “ Do this for me,” Shaver started.  “I’m pretty sure those two roaches have families.  Let them know as delicately as you can that we don’t want to have to get the families involved in the search for this drive.”
    Tomko smiled.  “Perfect.”
    * * * *
    Martinez and Williams circled the precinct headquarters for thirty minutes when Williams butted in, “How many times we gonna do this Martinez?”
    “ What's that?”
    “ Circle the damn station! It's getting boring, not to mention that this ain't the best place for us to be chillin' right now. You know what's inside.”
    Martinez pulled the car over and said, “Made my decision.”
    “ Oh yeah?  Made the right one?” Williams asked.
    “ Yeah man, I’m gonna keep this tape.  I think you’re right.”
    “ Damn straight.  Hold on.”  Williams pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.
    “ Hello…aww shit—Sarge.”
    “ You gotta be freaking kidding me,” Martinez grumbled.
    “ Nope, Martinez and I are just cruising around…nope, not planning on coming to the station for a while…we ain’t gonna meet you anywhere , Sarge.”
    “ What the fuck is he saying man?”  Williams didn’t answer.
    “ Nah, we’ll tell you where we are when we're damn well ready.  Til then, you and your Nazi posse can chill at the station.”  Williams hung up his phone.
    “ Shit Williams—now he's completely keyed into us.”
    “ Man, you know Sarge was already onto us.  He’s no fool.  I bet one of his punks visited Max by now.” 
    “ You coulda seen if he was willing to talk.”
    “ You trippin'?  That freak is gonna put a bullet through both of our heads if we don’t give him the goods.  Shit.  Even giving him the drive ain't gonna solve it.  We saw what happened, Martinez.  It’s on now—drive or not.”

    C ruz was back at his office watching the day come to a close through the picture window in front of him. He zoned out and while he did, a formative moment of his early life leaped into his consciousness. The murder sucked it out from the recesses of repressed memories.
    Harassment was normal for Cruz and his friends.  The cops didn't owe him or his friends anything, but one night the usual harassment crossed well-defined lines. He and two of his friends were sitting on the porch in front of Cruz’s house.  It was a typical teen moment.  Cruz’s father, the discipline in his life, was gone to God knows where.  His mother was at their church attending a community meeting about workplace discrimination.  It was only natural for the three teenage boys to seek out a little trouble.
    Eduardo, who had connections that Cruz didn’t even ask about, brought over three bottles of Old English.  Cruz remembered thinking the beer tasted like piss, but it was no
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