Endless Chase

Endless Chase Read Online Free PDF

Book: Endless Chase Read Online Free PDF
Author: N.J. Walters
as she climbed the stairs and headed to her room at the far end of the building. There were six guestrooms in total and breakfast and lunch were provided in the cost of the room. If she wanted an evening meal, there was one restaurant and a local pub that served meals in the evening.
    The hallway seemed extra long as she trudged to the end and dug her room key out of her pocket. She’d requested the only room with its own bathroom. It had cost her extra, but it was worth the privacy and convenience. Her vision blurred and it took her 20
    Endless Chase
    two tries to get the key in the lock. Finally, she succeeded and stumbled into the room, locking the door behind her.
    She had her pack half off her shoulder, when a knock came on the door. “Miss Markova.”
    Katya shrugged her pack back on, unwilling to let it go until she knew what the problem was. If necessary, she could easily survive with what she had strapped to her back. She unlocked the door and swung it open. Olga held out a white envelope. “I forgot. This was delivered first thing this morning.”
    “Thank you.” She took the envelope and closed the door, making certain it was bolted. Not satisfied with that, she shoved a heavy bureau in front of it.
    It wasn’t the greatest security, but it was the best she could do.
    Walking over to the bed, she laid the envelope on the duvet while she removed her pack and crossbow, stowing them within easy reach. Picking up the envelope, she tore open the flap and pulled out the crisp white sheet within. A crest of five daggers was at the top. The first two crossed daggers formed a v, and next to it the other three formed the letter h. VH, one of the many unsavory people she’d met this past year had told her, stood for vampire hunter. Dramatic, but she didn’t care. They could have their cutesy logo and not-so-secret society as long as she got what she wanted. Personally, she wondered if there wasn’t more to it than that.
    There were two words on the note, written in blood-red ink. At least she hoped it was ink.
    Call me.
    Her gut clenched. This was what she’d been waiting for, what she’d spent the last year of her life working toward. She looked longingly toward the bed, but knew the lure of the soft feather mattress would have to wait a few moments longer.
    She swayed with fatigue, but fought it off. She would not, could not, give in to weakness. Not now. She promised herself she would rest and eat later. Once again, her quest for vengeance took priority over all else.
    Grabbing her pack, she strapped it back on and went to the door, once again wishing this inn had phones in each room, considering that there was no cell phone service this high in the mountains. Shoving the dresser back, she unlocked the door and hurried down the hallway. There was a single payphone hung on the wall. Lifting the receiver, she dialed the number she’d gotten from her last contact within the society.
    When the operator cut in, she charged the call to a calling card she’d purchased just for this reason.
    It rang once. Twice. It was answered on the third ring.
    There was silence on the other end. Katya didn’t speak, but waited.
    A man laughed, the sound so evil it lifted the hairs on the back of her neck. “You have patience. That is good.”
    N.J. Walters
    She wanted to slam down the receiver. Her fingers curled tight around it, but still, she held her silence.
    “You have seen them?”
    “Not yet.”
    Now she sensed impatience coming across the line. “Why not?”
    Once again, she reminded herself of her quest. Vengeance didn’t come cheap and she’d already paid in more ways than she could count. This was the last thing she had to do. She swallowed back the acrid words she longed to speak. “I have just arrived, but I may have found a way inside.” She refused to feel guilty about using Chase to get what she wanted.
    “Good.” Satisfaction and pleasure tinged his reply. “You will call me when all is
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