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Book: Enchantment Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Abel
    Channie had assumed that her new power-name would repel boys, or make them repulsive to her. Instead, Chastity’s magic was attracted to their lustful energy and grew stronger as it fed off their carnal desires. Momma and Daddy must have messed up the spell when they changed her name.  
    She said, “Hey guys,” then coughed and fanned the air, frowning at Cigarette Boy. He tossed the nasty thing onto the ground and snuffed it out with the toe of his canvas shoe.  
    The skinny, non-smoking boy smiled at her and said, “I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?”
    Channie licked her dry lips and nodded. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t shy. Or was she? She didn’t know who she was without Enchantment’s magic.
    Cigarette Boy leaned towards her and ran his gaze up and down her body. The level of lust in the air doubled and flowed into Chastity’s power-well. He smirked at her and said, “What’s the matter, can’t you talk?”
    Channie started to take a step back, but didn’t want him to think she was easily intimidated. She was fairly certain she could tap into Chastity’s power to defend herself if he proved dangerous, but she didn’t want to test that theory without a little more practice. So, she projected a level of confidence she did not feel and said, “I can talk just fine. When I have something to say.”
    Cigarette Boy elbowed his friend in the ribs. “Dude, did you hear that accent?” He hugged his chest, copying Channie’s posture and pitched his voice up high to mock her. “Aw kin tawk juz fiiiine whin ah have sumthin’ to say.”
    “Jeeze, Eric.” The skinny boy shoved Eric’s shoulder. “You’re such an ass.” He looked at Channie and smiled. “I apologize for this idiot. He has no social skills whatsoever. That’s why we only let him out at night.”
    “It’s okay. I can handle it. But thanks.” Channie pulled a small amount of Chastity’s power to the surface and tried to send the obnoxious Eric away using persuasive magic instead of an actual spell. He didn’t want to go.  
    Channie narrowed her eyes and pushed a little more magic at him. Instead of flowing out of her power-well in a gentle stream the way Enchantment’s energy would have, it shot out of her with a sudden burst of power.  
    Folks rarely noticed when Channie used pursuasive magic on them, and even when they did, they didn’t usually care. Enchantment’s energy was positive and soothing. Chastity’s was not. Eric yelped and hopped off the metal table. He looked at his friend and said, “Did you feel that?”
    “Feel what?”
    “Something shocked me. There must be a short in the wiring.”
    “What wiring? The table’s not wired.”
    “Well, something sure as hell zapped me.”
    Channie stepped into the shadows to hide her involuntary smirk. This was fun. She zapped him again.
    Eric twitched and swore. “Come on! You had to feel it that time.”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about. What the hell have you been smoking?”
    Eric suggested his friend do some inappropriate things to himself then trotted down the path towards the parking lot. Channie waited for him to drive away then took a small step towards the skinny boy on the picnic table. He watched her but didn’t say a word. She read his energy field again and was surprised to find anxiety had replaced his lust.  
    She could try to encourage him by flirting, but that could take all night. Come-hither spells were illegal, but this boy was an Empty and didn’t know that. Besides, who was he going to tell?  
    Channie held her breath and used a small amount of Chastity’s power to cast what she hoped was a weak spell.
    The boy hopped off the picnic table and closed the distance between them in two strides. He was tall — much taller than she’d thought. He was also stronger than he looked. He grabbed Channie with one hand, digging his fingers into her side then slid his other hand to the middle of her back. He
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