
Enchantment Read Online Free PDF

Book: Enchantment Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Abel
empower the counter-spell — but she had to try.
    Channie sobbed as Chastity’s raw, ugly power forced its way into her soul — digging, tearing and ripping apart everything that resisted. It shoved what remained of Enchantment’s magic out of Channie’s power-well and took control.  
    Beneath the grief and the pain, a new emotion emerged. Channie had been upset before, annoyed, hurt, irritated … even angry — but she’d never felt rage. Not until this moment. Her blood boiled and scorched her veins as it purged the illusions of happiness from her mind. All her life Channie had been drifting … floating in a dream of quiet contentment … sedated and seduced by Enchantment’s gentle magic. But she was awake now. With each beat of her pounding heart, she became more enraged, more determined and more aware of her own free will.
    A part of Enchantment’s power survived and fled into Channie’s heart-of-hearts where even she couldn’t find it.  
    The ancient magic released Channie the moment Momma stopped chanting. Her fury dissipated, leaving her drained and weak. Chastity was now centered behind her navel in her power-well, quiet, dormant and waiting.  
    Without the distraction of rage, the pain of Enchantment’s loss overwhelmed Channie, leaving her bereft … as if someone she dearly loved had just died.
    As soon as everyone else was asleep, Channie crawled out from under her quilt and opened her window. A blast of cold air would have made her eyes water if she hadn’t already cried herself dry. It was late August, but it felt more like the middle of November. She tried to cast a warmth spell on herself, but Chastity’s magic didn’t respond. It was still dormant.
    She removed the window screen and shoved it in the back of her closet then grabbed a blanket and climbed onto the roof.  
    Channie refused to walk into a strange high school tomorrow morning full of even stranger kids unprotected. Her new power-name, her curse , was designed with one purpose in mind, so to activate it — she needed to find a boy.
    There was a 7-Eleven store about half a mile from the house, there might be some boys hanging out or even working there.  
    Channie couldn’t believe she was thinking about sneaking out in the middle of the night. This was something Abby would do, not Channie. Enchantment’s magic would never let her do something so rebellious, so risky so … wicked . But she wasn’t Enchantment anymore. Chastity wasn’t active yet, so she was just … what? Just plain old Channie.  
    Well, plain old Channie didn’t need Chastity’s power to make a decision or get mad. And she wasn’t just mad, she was furious. What sort of parents destroyed a perfectly good name and cursed their own child? How could they leave her defenseless? Had they forgotten the Veyjivik Clan’s vow to kill them?
    Channie tossed her blanket back in her room, scampered down the fake, but convenient, rocks on the front of the house and opened the side garage door to get her bike. She changed her mind about going to   7-Eleven when she heard male voices coming from the park next door. She couldn’t understand what they were saying, but they sounded friendly enough.  
      She put her bike back in the garage and followed the crushed gravel path that led from her front yard into Heritage Park.
    The three-quarter moon peeked out from behind a cloud and revealed two masculine silhouettes. The boys were inside the pavilion, sitting on top of a picnic table. One of them was smoking a cigarette. When Channie stepped out of the shadows, he elbowed the other boy. They stopped talking and stared at her. She froze, unsure of how to proceed without Enchantment’s natural charm.  
    A wave of lust from the boys jolted her new power-name out of hibernation.  
    A prickly sensation, like cockleburs, ran under her skin. But at least she could read the boy’s energy fields now. Curiosity mixed with a fair amount of lust, nothing unusual about
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