Enchant Me
average teenager could afford. His parents must be really wealthy
or maybe he worked. He could be making money off his art too. Most
likely that was it.
    I smiled to myself thinking I had a little
piece of his brilliance for free. “Thank you so much for
taking me to lunch, I had fun.”
    “Me too,” he answered, leading me to his car
and helping me in.
    I was glad he was a gentleman but I quite
honestly didn’t expect anything less from any guy I dated. It
suddenly occurred to me that I was quite possibly a little
spoiled. On the way back I felt sad the drive was so short, I
was enjoying watching his hands while he drove, completely
competent and controlled. While most guys his age were driving
around like half-crazed NASCAR drivers on crack plus
    “What are you doing this weekend?” he asked
softly, his voice filled with warmth as he took a quick glance at
me. I really liked his voice too. I did have it bad.
    “Did you really want to hear everything or
just when I am available?” I smiled and fluttered my eyes at him
    “I don’t mind hearing everything but since we
are running out of time…”
    I took pity on him, “late Saturday afternoon
or evening?”
    “How about both?”
    “I think I can manage that.”
    He pulled into the parking lot, parked and
turned to me just as I was putting my hand on the door handle. “I
appreciate you letting me open the car door for you but would you
mind waiting for me to let you out, too.” “Sure.”
    I smothered my laugh, I suppose it was a
quirk in my personality that I never had the patience to wait for
guys to do that part, and they usually adapted to it. When he
opened my door and held out his hand to help me out, I let my eyes
roam over him from head to toe. Once again, I became a little
concerned at how easily and quickly I was becoming enthralled. I’ve
had my share of crushes, infatuations and even first love, but none
of them had felt like this. Taking his warm hand I let him
help me out of the car and then lead me to class. This must truly
be what physical chemistry between two people was all about. I was
so aware of where his body was in relation to me, the feel of his
hand on my back, the exact tenor of his voice, the smell of his
warm breath when he leaned in close. This all left me wanting more,
I wanted him to hold me, kiss me and press his wonderful body
against me. I felt kind of glad when he interrupted my thoughts
before I got too carried away.
    “Lex, I need your phone number,” he leaned in
and whispered as we paused outside my class. 
    It felt like so much had already passed
between us. It was hard to believe we hadn’t gotten past the usual
preliminaries yet. He pulled out his cell phone and entered it,
then looked at me like he was considering something. Then he
granted two of my wishes. Gently he wrapped both arms around me and
pulled me in close. I loosely linked my hands around his neck and
briefly leaned against him. I could feel the looks we were getting
but it was hard to care. He did feel as good as I thought he would
and smelled fantastic too. 
    It was almost embarrassing how out of it I
was for the rest of the day. We gave each other quick smiles when
we passed each other as we rushed into our sixth period classes and
I was glad that mine was yearbook since it didn’t require deep
thought at all. Michelle noticed my abstraction but thankfully
didn’t say anything about it. Finally the school day was over
and I went straight to my bike. I took a quick glance to where
Christian’s car had been and it was gone. I sighed internally but I
couldn’t complain, he had spent practically every spare minute with
me. After I picked up some clothes from home and left a note
for my mom I headed over to the tiny rental house that Tina and her
mom Tracy lived in. Tina’s eyes were huge with mischievousness as
she let me in.
    “So had a good day, did we?”
    I looked at her and started to feel a little
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