Embrace the Wind

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Book: Embrace the Wind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
    “He wouldn’t dare!” Argent stated, and took a step toward him, although from the
    dangerous look on his handsome face, that probably wasn’t the wisest thing to do. “If
    you Transition on us, so help me, warrior, you will spend the rest of your days locked
    in a con cell!”
    Embrace the Wind
    Slowly Eanan Tohre lowered his hands until they were loose at his sides. He
    lowered his head, amber eyes shooting sparks of anger, but then he smiled. The smile
    was primal, wicked, accompanied by a low, throbbing rumble deep in his throat and he
    showed his fangs again.
    “Uh-oh,” Corallin said, and swallowed hard.
    “You want to play, wench?” they heard him growl. He held his hand out, palm up
    and wagged his fingers toward him. “Then let’s play.”
    Argent looked into those angry eyes that were glowing with crimson glints and
    called his bluff. She walked toward him with her hips swinging seductively, a
    challenging grin on her face.
    “Whatever you say, warrior,” she cooed to him.
    Eanan straightened. He had thought to frighten them but after an initial widening
    of their eyes and a slight paling of their faces, they recovered quickly enough. The
    beauty coming toward him was doing things to his body he couldn’t control.
    “Oh look!” he heard the blonde say. “He’s getting hard!”
    The Reaper had to bite his tongue to keep from groaning at that remark. Three sets
    of eyes were glued to his growing erection and the treacherous thing between his legs
    was enjoying every moment of the adoration it was receiving. It leapt and the “Ahhs”
    he heard made him want to howl again.
    “Oh, he has to be the biggest among the Reapers,” the redhead observed. “Surely
    none can surpass that !”
    “And he’s all ours,” the blonde said on a long sigh.
    “I am not yours! I can’t be yours!” he countered, and took two steps in reverse only
    to find his back against the wall and the silver-haired beauty barely a few feet away.
    “There is a geis against me taking you women!”
    Charlotte Boyett-Compo
    “The geis does not apply to the Graihaltagh Reiht, warrior,” Argent informed him.
    “It is your destiny to service the Breitheamhtái as our consort. So give in, Reaper, because
    we are going to have you. Why fight it?”
    Why indeed? he thought. He had been brought back to the Citadel from his
    assignment in the Oklaks Territory so it was obvious this dehumanizing destiny had
    been set into motion by none other than Morrigunia. The gods-be-damned bitch had set
    him up and the moment that thought slithered through his head so did Her tinkling
    “ Enjoy the spoils, My Reaper ,” She cooed to him. “Use the knowledge I’ve made sure you
    have accumulated over the years to pleasure the Breitheamhtái . They have earned their reward.
    You are My gift to them.”
    Eanan’s shoulders slumped. He was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. With
    the goddess against him, he didn’t stand a chance so he gave up his fight to keep the
    luscious Gatekeepers at bay. After all, as a man, he should be thrilled to have three such
    lovely, sensual virgins itching for his cock. What man in his right mind would dare to
    turn down a liaison between three beautiful women willing to share him? He should be
    swollen with pride to be the Chosen Lover of the most important females on Terra.
    And he was swollen all right! He was aching so desperately for the sultry women
    that he was literally trembling with need.
    “Owen is going to kill me,” he moaned.
    Argent’s eyes flared and her flush lips turned hard. “Any man who dares lay a
    hand to you will garner the full wrath of the Gatekeepers. You are under our protection,
    warrior. The gods help any man who would think to ever stand against you!”
    That statement caught Eanan’s immediate attention and he looked from one woman
    to the other and realized the truth of what the silver-haired lovely had said.
    “Am I to stay here at the
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