Was Gideon Walker challenging her, Lydia wondered, as she absorbed both his answer and the thoughtful look he had given her. If so…
A quick glance at her daughter’s still-pale face assured her that Ellie was in far too distressed a state to be aware of the young man’s interest in her, never mind return it.
‘Robert, we have all had a tiring day,’ she began firmly. ‘Ellie in particular. Perhaps it might be a good idea if you took Mr Walker into your office, if you wish to talk further with him.’
Ruefully, Gideon accepted her hint and got to his feet, calmly thanking her for her hospitality.
Ellie could feel herself flushing slightly when he shook her hand. She wanted him to keep on holding it, but at the same time she wanted to pull away. Without meaning to she looked at his mouth and then sucked in her breath as she suddenly felt hot and giddy. But that was nothing to how she felt when she realised that Gideon was looking at her mouth.
Gideon whistled happily as he made his way back to his lodgings. The crowd had dispersed and the late evening air was softly balmy.
Ellie Pride! One day soon, very soon, if he had his way, she was going to find out just what happened when a girl looked at a man’s mouth the way she had looked at his tonight!
Ellie Pride…Ellie Walker!
‘And Gideon said the next time he comes down with our uncle he will bring me a sheepdog puppy of my very own, and…’
Lydia frowned as she listened to John’s excited chatter. It was nearly five months since the Guild festivities, and in those months Gideon Walker had become a far more frequent visitor to Friargate than she liked.
Right now, though, she had other things to concern her in addition to her anxiety about the dangerous effect such a handsome and masculine young man was likely to have on her vulnerable sixteen-year-old daughter.
Automatically she put her hand on her stomach. The child she had conceived the night of Robert’s Guild parade was already swelling her body. Robert had been shocked and contrite when she told him. Looming over both of them was the warning she had been given after the stillbirth of her last child.
‘Are you sure you want to go to Aunt Gibson’s, Mother?’ Ellie asked anxiously.
Her mother had told her earlier in the week that she was to have another child, and this confidence had confirmed to Ellie her status in the household of a grown-up and adult daughter, and not a child. She had automatically begun to mother Lydia in much the same busy way she did her own younger siblings, and Lydia, exhausted by the sickness of her early months of pregnancy and her fear, had wearily allowed her to do so.
She still had her sisters to face. By now Amelia’s doctor husband was bound to have informed his wife of her condition. Which was, no doubt, why Amelia had summoned her to take tea with her this afternoon.
‘The walk will do me good,’ Lydia responded.
They were almost in February, and the cold air misted their breath as Ellie and her mother stepped out into the street.
‘Gideon is so good, offering to bring John a puppy,’ Ellie commented happily to her mother as they walked towards Winckley Square.
‘He is certainly a very handsome and determined young man,’ Lydia agreed coolly, ‘but as to him being “good”…’
Ellie gave her mother a surprised look. ‘I thought you liked him.’
‘I do,’ Lydia agreed. ‘But…’ She paused and shook her head.
‘But what, Mother?’
But Lydia refused to be drawn.
They had reached Winckley Square now, and stopped in surprise at the comings and goings at the large mansion on the opposite side of the square to the Gibsons.
‘It looks as though someone is moving into Mr Isherwood’s old house,’ Ellie commented.
It was over a month since the elderly widowed mill owner, who had lived in the house, had died, and despite the busyness of the removal men, the house still had an air of bleakness about it.
Ten minutes after
Tracie Peterson, Judith Pella