My mind is swimming with horror.
He bares his upper teeth and before my very eyes his canines extend to a long point. His eyes flash with golden yellow streaks. I watch him wide eyed, in unbelieving fascination, as he retracts them again.
“Are you satisfied we are in fact 'real' now?” He flashes a normal toothed white smile in my direction.
“ I'm finding this all very difficult to be honest. I need to let it sink in.”
I can't stop my finger rising to my own teeth and I probe them hesitantly. Everything stays the same as normal.
I don't seem to have grown fangs yet anyway.
My mind doesn't want to deal with it. What they are. What I am. Although it obviously explains a lot about my behaviour and my feelings of being different to others lately. My moody, soul wrenching, blood craving inner darkness. I sit for a quiet moment processing my shock and feelings.
“ Please don't worry My Lady,” Sofia assures me kindly, nodding her head at me respectfully and patting my hand. “I'll take good care of you. I want to be your friend as well as your servant. I'll help you learn our ways quickly so that you become comfortable amongst us.”
I emerge from my shocked trance and my inner bolshy teenager comes flying to the surface.
“Excuse me if I'm a little shook up here. Fucking hell! Is this a weird nightmare or what? FUCK!”
Sofia gasps loudly next to me, Severina turns in her seat and glares.
“What?” I look at them confused.
“ Your language is that of the bedchamber. Please refrain from using the word 'fuck' in normal conversation. I know it's a commonly used modern expression, but in our society it is associated solely with the sexual act,” Nico explains matter of factly, with a small smile. His eyes flash at me with a tinge of yellow. I'm not entirely sure but it appears that vampire eyes react to their moods. A physical reaction.
“ Well, 'fuck' me,” I say rudely and provocatively. He tuts loudly at me, smothering a grin.
“ It seems we have a small challenge with you already,” he adds with a deep chuckle. His eyes bore into mine and we stare for a while, yellow flashes glowing more brightly.
I'm not sure what's happening here.
I feel hot and uncomfortable and turn in Sofia's direction, looking out of the window.
We sit quietly for a few minutes.
“Would you mind telling me where we're going?” I ask politely.
“ London... Kensington. That is where your new home is located.”
“ Not Italy?” I'm kind of disappointed...
“ No, that is the country of your parental heritage. You were born here. In the house you are to return to soon.”
“ Are my real parents there too or do they live in Italy?”
“ No, sadly not. It is the reason you were adopted. Let's say they have passed. From this world, to the next.”
“ Why? What happened to them?” I'm thinking of stakes through the heart and heads being pulled off. That is all I know of vampire death. I suddenly feel ill.
“ It is... or should I say was... somewhat complicated. I shall tell you little at a time, as I see fit. That is enough for now. Rest a while young lady.”
Nico seems to be my guardian. And I like the arrangement. From the little I have seen it appears he is understanding and kind and despite his proper ways he has a sense of humour too. I also feel something between us. A small bud of interest on both sides. It's worrying me a little, but I do like it nonetheless.
This is not what I imagined vampires to be like... I snigger to myself, inwardly. What a stupid fucking thought... but hell, I need to think it .
Here they are, warm blooded creatures, out in the light of day, driving around in cars, wearing smart clothing. Their language is cultured and refined and their nature is kind and caring. Well, apart from Severina, she seems to be less than fond of me so far, a touch resentful even, but still, it's early days. My preconception of wild, violent, neck ripping creatures crawling up walls by their