Echoes of Titanic

Echoes of Titanic Read Online Free PDF

Book: Echoes of Titanic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mindy Starns Clark
closer to the mic. “I knew the reputation of Kelsey’s great-great grandfather, SeanBrennan, who first founded Brennan & Company more than one hundred years ago. I knew the legend of her great-grandparents, Sean’s daughter, Adele, and her husband, Edwin Tate, who together ushered Sean’s business through the depression, renamed the company Brennan & Tate, and built it to what it is today. Finally, I knew Kelsey’s father, Nolan Tate, one of the finest men I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.” Again glancing her way, he concluded, “Given all of that, I knew that this young lady wasn’t the ‘cry to Daddy’ type at all. I was right. Instead, she was smart, talented, and hardworking, with the knowledge to back up her instincts. It has truly been my pleasure to work with her, a delight to count her as a friend, and a privilege to present her with this award. Kels, may this be just the first of many honors and accolades to come. Congratulations.”
    Lou handed her the plaque and they shared a long hug. She was too overcome with emotion to thank him for his kind words lest she start to cry, so she simply gave him a grateful smile as they pulled apart.
    â€œI’m so proud of you, kiddo,” he whispered, looking a little emotional himself. With a nod to Walter, he returned to his seat.
    Kelsey took a deep breath, assuming it was her turn now, but then Walter surprised her by stepping back up to the mic. Hoping he knew to keep things moving, she stood at his side and took a moment to look down at the plaque and her name engraved there as he talked.
    â€œBefore I turn the podium over to our guest of honor,” Walter said, “I have one more item of business, a little surprise for her.” Glancing her way, he said, “Just this afternoon, I learned that Kelsey Tate has been named by Forbes magazine as one of their ‘Forty to Watch Under Forty.’ Congratulations.”
    That earned the biggest applause yet, and even Kelsey was momentarily taken aback by such news. PR ploy or not, this was indeed a big honor, one that would no doubt come with a photo and profile in the magazine, garnering her and her firm attention on an international level. Now if she could just wrap up all the promoting and get back to work, she might actually be able to prove whether such an honor was justified.
    Finally, Walter concluded his portion of the event and handed the reins over to Kelsey. As he walked off the stage and took his seat down front, she slid her plaque onto the little shelf under the podium, and tried to gather her wits.
    â€œâ€˜Forty to Watch Under Forty,’” she mused aloud to the audience as she placed her notes on the shiny wooden surface in front of her and adjustedthe microphone. “Wow. I’m deeply honored. Of course, I hope it’s not rude of me to say that I’d rather be in something called ‘Thirty to Watch Under Thirty,’ but I passed that cutoff about two years ago.”
    Her joke garnered a huge laugh from the crowd, bigger than it deserved. Good. That meant it wouldn’t be long until she had them in the palm of her hand. Before she launched into her talk, which would build to a crescendo with the announcement of the new scholarship program, she took a moment to thank various people, including Lou for his kind words, Walter for his support, her investment team, her executive assistant, and her coworkers. She also thanked her mentor, Gloria, but even as she said the words, she looked around and realized the woman wasn’t in the audience. Trying not to think about that, she continued.
    â€œFinally, I’d like to thank my father, even though he couldn’t be here with us today, and to pass along his regards to all of you. I miss seeing my dad around the office, of course, but I’ve never missed him more than I do right now.”
    She shot a pointed look at Walter, who didn’t flinch, though
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