Echo, Mine
glanced at him.
A laugh escaped her, warming his heart. “You don’t know, do
    He shrugged. As long as she was happy, even
if she were laughing at him, he didn't care.
    “It has to do with the Tuatha de
Danaan and the faerie world they’ve created,” she explained.
“You’re an Empyrean—an angel, not a god, so you wouldn’t be
familiar with those legends. Blaéz would.”
    “Says who?” He cocked a brow. “Give me some
time and I’ll figure it out. Or I’ll get the Celt to tell me and
I’ll explain it to you.”
    She bit her lip as if not to laugh again.
“It’s okay. Blaéz helped me this morning, said he’ll make notes for
the others we didn’t cover since I had to go meet Hedori at the
    Týr joined them, sporting a grin. “Like the
    “Yeah, I grew tired of having it long…” She
ran her fingers through the damp choppy strands and cut Aethan a
telling look. “Maybe now people will finally see past all the hair
and realize everything is just an illusion.”
    What the hell? She’d been smiling moments
ago, then threw him that barbed line. Before he opened his mouth to
explain once more why , she pivoted and walked out.
    “She looks good, but tired,” Týr murmured
from beside him.
    “She doesn't seem to know the meaning of
slowing down.” A growl rolled up Aethan’s throat. Didn’t Echo
realize they had eternity together to do all the things she seemed
determined to cram into one damn day? Being so intimately linked
with her, her lethargy weighed him down like a boulder, one Echo
would never admit to.
    Týr was right. He had to get her away from
here, for his own peace of mind before she crashed from sheer
exhaustion. He sent a telepathic message to their head honcho: I
need to talk to you—it’s urgent.
    What’s up? Michael asked.
    I'm going off patrol tonight.
    A slight pause. All right.
    That settled, he glanced back at Týr, his
other problem sliding to the forefront again. “What would one get
for a female—I mean, as a gift?”
    Týr stared at him blankly, Red Bull pausing
halfway to his mouth. “Why?”
    “It’s Echo’s birthday soon. I need to get
her something but I'm hitting a damn wall.”
    The warrior shook his head. “Seriously man,
I have no idea. Ask her.”
    The Norse was no help at all. “It’s supposed
to be a surprise—at least that’s what I’ve heard.”
    “Oh…” Týr muttered, his brow furrowing. Like
it was the most difficult math equation ever tackled. He rubbed his
jaw. “Yeah, still no idea. Get her a sword—we like shit like that.
Being the Healer, she’ll need weapons.”
    Get his mate a blade? Yeah, right. “That’s
real helpful.”
    He had a few days. He’d better come up with
something. Fast.

Chapter 4

    Echo stared moodily through the library
window at the rolling gardens and the distant green smudge of
forest. Late evening sunlight spilled into the enormous place,
casting an orangey glow to the towering bookshelves, yet doing
nothing to lighten her mood.
    God, she was so over Aethan treating her
like she was made of spun glass and would break if he so much as
touched her wrong. Huffing out a breath, she rubbed her brow as
frustration piled on.
    She missed the way he used to want her with
that all-out raw need, the one that made her pulse pound and her
heart feel like it might explode. More, she missed him .
Dammit, if that big lug of a gorgeous Empyrean couldn’t see the
truth—see exactly what it was she needed—then she would just have
to show him. Hell, she’d seduce him even if she had to tie him to
the damn bed.
    “Am I boring you, Healer?”
    Her tutor’s droll tone yanked her back to
her lesson. The lights in the library flickered on.
    The red-haired angel sat on the ladder
leaning against the tall bookshelf, arms braced on his thighs. His
wings were hidden, but his eyes glinted like metallic green
    She wrinkled her nose and forced her
attention back to the enormous book in front of her
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