Echo, Mine
the bar and got
himself a Red Bull. Popping open the tab, he strolled to the open
door and propped a shoulder on the jamb. “You look annoyed.”
    Apparently, he’d already forgotten about his
loss. Aethan took another swallow of his juice and leaned against
the bar. “Do I?”
    “Losing a game, glaring at the poor whales
on TV, and almost pulling out your hair, I’d say hell, yeah.”
    “Fuck you,” Aethan muttered.
    Amusement gleamed in Týr’s dark eyes. “Could
it be Echo has taken to this Healer thing like a duckling to water,
and your nose is put out of joint that she barely has time for
    Aethan cut him an annoyed look. “Is that
what you think?”
    “No, but thought it would get a reaction
from you. So, she’s pushing herself too hard?”
    Seemed like everyone could see that except
his mate. She could never sit still. If she wasn't training, or
studying about being a Healer, she was in the kitchen helping
Hedori. She was wearing herself to the damn bone.
    Aethan clamped his jaw, finding it hard to
push out the words through gritted teeth. “I don’t know how the
hell to get her to slow down.”
    Týr shook his head as if resigned. “Look, I
get that there hasn’t been a female in your life for eons until
Echo. So, obviously, your brain has dried up in that department and
you’ve forgotten the social norms for what to do—”
    “If you have some useful insights to share,
just fucking do it.”
    Laughing, Týr stepped out and hunkered near
Bob. He scratched the cat’s back, pulling a low purr from the
feline. “Take her out, man. Away from this place and all this shit.
You don’t need me to tell you what to do after that.”
    “You know, Norse, I wait for the day when
you're in this fix—” His heightened hearing picked up on soft,
familiar footsteps. Echo. He’d already sensed Lore’s arrival. She
was probably on her way to the library.
    He set his can on the counter, his entire
being was tuned into her, hoping she’d walk into the room before
she went off to her lesson. Yet dreading it, too. Dread at seeing
his own mate? He rubbed his jaw; his head was so damn screwed up.
Six weeks and three days since she’d awakened from her comatose
sleep, looking so fragile. And that fucking scar marring her skin
would always remind him of how he’d failed her.
    The door opened. She walked in wearing jeans
and a tee. Her damp hair—
    He couldn’t breathe, felt as if someone had
kicked him in the sternum. It was déjà vu, like her old self was
coming back to him. She’d cut her hair. As if his feet had a mind
of their own, he was already walking, meeting her halfway. He
pressed his lips against hers and felt her breath catch in
surprise. She eased back. He traced her lush lower lip with his
thumb, unable to get a word out.
    Her voice pulled him back, her eyes
searching his face. Shit —what the hell did he want to say?
Right. “Lore’s here early, are you cancelling?”
    Snorting, she stepped back and glanced
around her. “No, I'm not. I was looking for Blaéz. I left my
notebook with him. He’s been helping me with some of the
translations. Lore likes assigning me tasks that make me run all
over the place searching for help.”
    “He’s a damn idiot,” Aethan muttered, his
irritation climbing higher because she wouldn’t do as he suggested.
He crossed to the bar, retrieved the book and handed it over.
“Here. He left it with me. Anything I can help you with?”
    She took it from him. A hint of mischief
sparked in her gaze and made his chest tighten. Her anger at him
from earlier when he’d refused to take their heated kiss further
had faded.
    “All right.” She opened the book. “Here—what
do these mean?” She pointed at the drawings.
    Aethan stepped closer. Resting his hand on
her hips, he lowered his gaze to the page and frowned at the
several symbols scattered randomly around the circle. Nope. He had
no clue what the hell it meant. At his silence, she
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