Eater of Lives(SPECTR #4)
holding up the sheet and blanket until Caleb joined him
beneath their warmth. Caleb tucked his head on John’s shoulder;
stray hairs whispered across John’s cheek, catching in the stubble.
Goddess, his long, lean body felt wonderful, twined against John’s
side. Like he fit; like they fit, somehow.
    “Are you really?” John murmured into his
hair. “Sorry, I mean?”
    Caleb snorted. “Are you kidding? We just had
incredible sex. I’m not sorry at all.”
    John wrapped his arms tighter around his
lover. “That’s my guy.”
    * * *
    Caleb dropped into one of the chairs in a
small conference room the next morning, leather coat creaking
around him. Apparently, Forsyth’s people took custody of Roger
Lynch’s computer and spent the night digging into it. Forsyth sent
a text to John during breakfast, asking him, Caleb, and Sean to
meet him here.
    Breakfast had been…interesting. Will and John
seemed a little awkward around each other, more so than last night.
Maybe because of the sex; no way had Will not heard Caleb yelling
John’s name.
    Shit, maybe he should have tried harder to
get John to yell his name instead.
    Whatever; it didn’t matter, as long as Will
understood the situation. Namely, that Caleb was a powerhouse in
bed, and John would be nuts to leave him.
    “ Whom are you trying to convince? This
other mortal or yourself?”
    Not really a discussion he wanted to have. Does it matter? He got the message. Loud and clear, so to
    “ Good.” Gray generally ignored
“mortals” unless they directly provoked him. Like shooting him full
of silver-jacketed lead, for instance. John had always been the
exception. And now Will.
    “ I do not like him. I wish him to
    You and me both, buddy.
    The coffee pot on the little table to the
side of the main conference table gurgled. As John reached for one
of the mugs, Caleb squinted, focusing all his concentration on it.
He meant to nudge it in John’s direction, just to show off his
newly amped-up TK…
    The mug shot across the room and smashed into
the wall.
    “Shit!” John yelled, ducking, even as Caleb
exclaimed, “Oh fuck!”
    Caleb jumped up and hurried to inspect the
damage. “Sorry! Damn. I didn’t mean to—I just wanted to slide it
into your hand—”
    “It’s okay.” John came around the table and
knelt on the floor to help him pick up the pieces. Fortunately, the
mug had cracked into several large chunks instead of smashing to
powder. “What happened?”
    Caleb winced. “I pulled too hard. I need to
practice, I guess. I’m used to having to really concentrate to do
even something small, and now…yeah.”
    “Next time, let’s experiment on something
that isn’t breakable,” John suggested.
    “I said I was sorry.”
    The door swung open and Sean walked in, doing
a quick jog to the side to avoid stepping on John’s hands. “Whoa,
everything okay?”
    “It’s fine,” John said quickly.
    Sean didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t
press, instead taking a seat on the opposite side of the conference
table. “We still waiting on Forsyth?”
    “Looks like,” Caleb said.
    Sean glanced at him uncertainly, then at
John. “Um yeah. So, hey, Will sent me a text last night. Said he’s
in town and staying with you…?”
    “Yeah, the hotel screwed up his reservation.”
John frowned slightly. “He texted you?”
    “Sure. Asked if I wanted to get together for
drinks tonight.” Sean frowned back. “Is that a problem?”
    “No. He’s your friend, too.”
    “I guess.” Sean still seemed nonplussed,
though. Or shit, maybe Caleb imagined it.
    The door opened again, and Forsyth came
through. “Good morning, Agent Starkweather, Agent McNamara, Mr.
Jansen,” he said. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Let me pour some
coffee, and we’ll get down to business.”
    Forsyth put down a folder in front of the
chair beside Caleb. While he had his back turned, getting coffee,
Caleb tried to discreetly shuffle his own chair farther away.
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