extremely clear, are you paying attention?” Ryan asked as he placed the handcuffs in the rear pocket of his slacks.
Meghan studied him as she spoke. She was five foot ten, tall for a woman. He appeared to be at least five or six inches taller, making him at least six foot two or three. He was very handsome, and appeared very well put together underneath his tan slacks and white dress shirt.
“Meghan, are you paying attention?” his voice brought her back to the reality of the situation.
“Yes, I am. Sorry,” Meghan responded.
“Each of the women has been given the same instructions. If anyone attempts to harm me, overpower me, or escape, they will be killed immediately. The remaining women will all be killed after the attempted attack, one after another. Do you understand?” Ryan asked.
Meghan attempted to swallow, but her dry throat prevented it. The dryness made her uncomfortable. She stared into his eyes and nodded.
“If anyone attempts to break anything in the room, or to fashion a weapon from any of the articles in the room, regardless of whether or not it is used against me in an attack, everyone in the room dies – one after another - beginning immediately following my awareness of something being broken. Do you understand?” Ryan’s face lacked any expression.
Oddly, Meghan felt calm. Considering the situation, she consciously thought of her lack of fear, and began to wonder if it would last. She blinked her eyes and studied Ryan’s face.
Standing directly in front of him, she nodded her head.
“Splendid. Tomorrow this will all begin to make some sense to you. I allow everyone one question, Meghan. You ask, and I will answer truthfully. This is not an invitation for an open discussion, but an opportunity to ask one question and have it answered. Think about what you’re asking, and make certain it is something you want to know the answer to,” he said in a soft monotone voice.
Meghan cleared her throat.
“What is the address of this location?” Meghan blinked her eyes as she spoke.
Ryan placed his index finger and thumb around his chin, cupping the palm of his hand around his jaw. He studied the face of Meghan and smiled.
“Aren’t you interesting? A thinker. I like that, Meghan,” Ryan reached for her wrist, grasping it in his right hand.
The pressure of his grasp made her uncomfortable at first.
“Follow me,” Ryan instructed her.
The voices grew louder as they walked to the corner of the large room. As he approached the door, he held his left hand to a box on the wall beside the door. As his hand touched the box, a loud clicking noise came from the center of the door jamb. As he pressed against the door with his elbow, she felt his breath on her ear.
“616 Esthner,” Ryan breathed into her ear as he gently pushed her through the doorway and into the room.
A loud metallic clunk from the door closing behind her reminded her of the permanency of her new dwelling.
As Meghan blinked her eyes, slowly they became focused on the contents of well lit room. In shock, she stood and stared at the three occupants of the room - each of which bore an almost identical resemblance of her.
FOUR. “What’s your name?” Dana asked as she stood up from the bench she was sitting on.
“Uhhm. I’m Meghan,” she responded as she looked around the room. As she noticed her hands begin to tremble, she clenched her fists in embarrassment.
Meghan quickly scanned the room. The room was square with concrete walls. A light in the center of the room provided the only illumination. A quick viewing of the room revealed no windows. A steel bench was built into the wall around three sides of the perimeter of the room. A door on her right was open, revealing what was obviously the bathroom. On the same wall as the bathroom door, a stainless steel refrigerator sat beside a steel shelf that