overwhelming warmth of Jesse’s protection about undid me. I clung to him.
A loud chuckle filled the room. “Well, that’s all the proof I need,” Tiger Man said.
“Look at her,” the man who had first yelled at Jesse said, “Of course he feels protective of her. Damon is acting just as stupid. What kid isn’t going to fight over a girl that beautiful?”
“Beautiful doesn’t matter much when she’s Nathan’s daughter.” Tiger Man smiled. “They can fight over her all they want, I’m still going to kill her just for the pleasure of seeing Nathan beg for her life and cry when it’s gone.”
I shrank deeper into Jesse’s arms. The look in Tiger’s eyes said my minutes were numbered and he was going to take great pleasure in extracting each drop of blood. Damon struggled to his feet and glowered at Jesse and me. Damon and Jesse both looked ready and willing to battle. Jesse was stiff against me. He loosened his hold long enough to undo the restraint binding my mouth and sweep my frame with his eyes.
I turned my head to the side and spit out the disgusting taste in my mouth. Jesse gently wiped my lips dry with his thumb. My heart thumped at the tender gesture. Ignoring the rest of the men in the room, I stared into his dark eyes and knew this was my haven.
“Did he hurt you?” he whispered.
I managed a brave wink. “Not as bad as I’m going to hurt him.”
Jesse gave me half a smile, his eyes filled with relief. Tiger chuckled again. “I kinda like her.”
Jesse turned to glare at him and every other man in the room. He shielded me from them and I realized Tiger Man would have to kill Jesse to get to me. The thought was little comfort, they all seemed more than capable and willing to murder both of us.
“Let her go, Jesse,” the other man said. I glanced at him: dark, mean-looking, and an undeniable resemblance to Jesse. Panetti. Cold sweat trickled down my back. Then the Tiger must be . . . Ramirez. Oh, man, I was so dead.
“No,” Jesse said, ignoring his dad’s pleas and staring directly at Ramirez. “Why did you bring her into this? It’s Nathan you want and I’ve got him coming. You don’t need her.”
My dad was coming here ? No, no, no.
Ramirez arched a reddish brow. “Killing her is my reward for everything Nathan’s done to me.” He flicked his fingers against each other. “And even though I appreciate you tricking Nathan into coming, Damon and I decided Cassidy would be a good test.” He smiled triumphantly at Panetti. “You’re done protecting the pretty boy.”
My lip was trembling. I was seconds from a major breakdown. I clutched Jesse, my only hope of survival, who didn’t look like he had much hope of surviving.
“Jesse is on our side,” Panetti yelled.
Jesse ignored his dad, focusing on Ramirez and rubbing my back gently as if to reassure me. “Damon’s lying. He’s jealous. Cassidy chose me.” It was interesting how he emphasized my name, like he was trying to make them see me as a person, not just a pretty head to put a bullet through.
Damon snorted. “She’s already over you. Told me she’s dating some guy she calls Fine.”
Jesse arched an eyebrow and gazed down at me.
I rolled my eyes. “I was trying to get Nana to call Detective Fine to save me.”
“That’s really his name?”
“No.” I hugged him closer as I felt his arms loosen a bit. “You know it’s you I want, you idiot. Don’t listen to Damon.”
Ramirez seemed to think the whole conversation was hilarious. He stopped laughing long enough to ask, “But does the idiot want you enough to die for you, eh Cassidy?”
“We all know Jesse is not an idiot and wouldn’t betray us,” Panetti said. He gestured to me. “So they have a thing. It means nothing. Everyone wants a hot little something once in a while.”
I glared at the man who had stabbed my father in my living room years ago. “I am nobody’s hot little something, you dirty geezer.”
“She is going to be