Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

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Book: Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tiece
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
that the police car would keep going, but as he approached the exit, the right signal light blinked behind him and the police car exited off instead.
    Mark took in a deep breath, feeling relieved that the law wasn’t after him. His thoughts then reflected on Olivia and the horrified look in her eyes when she saw the gun. He was angry with himself as he shook his head.
    “I actually shot my wife.” He said just above a whisper. He’d gotten teary eyed just that fast and started to cry. There was nothing more that he wanted than to turn around and be a man about it, but it was easier said than done. “Just keep driving, Mark.” He coached himself. Even though he was far from being a killer, things had happened in just an instance and now he was on the run. As he wiped his tears and cleared his throat, the only thing that came out of his mouth was, “It is what it is, now.”
    Even though he was doing the speed limit, his heart was racing much faster than that. Upon seeing the next exit, Mark decided to get off and find a place he could sit for a second to calm his nerves and to think of his next move.He pulled up to a corner store, now needing gas after he’d been driving for the past two hours. It wasn’t many cars there as he parked in front of an empty gas pump. His mind flashed back to Olivia again laying there on the ground. He felt bad as hell about shooting her, but a part of him didn’t feel as bad about her lover. The only thing that he thought about when it came to him was that he’d come to the shop that day and had actually met him. Not only did they talk, but they shook hands and that was foul as hell to him. He had some nerve stepping in to defend her. Had he gone on about his business the shooting wouldn’t have ever happened, at least that’s how he felt at the moment.
    He sat in the car for a moment then decided to get out and use the bathroom. Maybe he could grab a snack to eat out of the store, but honestly he wasn’t hungry. Food was the last thing on his mind. He got out of his car, glancing over at one guy that was standing next to a SUV filling it up, and then his eyes softly wandered over to a female that was pulling off from the gas pump, driving in a small body ES Lexus. Mark awkwardly smiled at her as she looked his way and winked her eye. He shook that off, entering the store doors. The chiming sounded off from the door causing him to flinch as he glanced over at a cop sitting in the back of the store.
    Damn, he thought while trying to look as less guilty as possible. The palm of his hands felt warm as hell after realizing that the bathroom was in the direction of where the cop was sitting. Shit, his thoughts nervously raced inside his head. He didn’t want to seem suspect, but he didn’t know who all had heard about the possible killing spree that he’d gone berserk on. Just thinking about it made him queasy on his stomach as he hesitantly made his way to the restroom. Noticing that the cop was just sitting there sipping coffee, Mark figured that he probably was a local that patrolled the area. Finally, Mark passed him, only nodding his head to speak. The cop spoke back, but mean mugged him the whole way to the restroom.
    Once inside the restroom he locked the door then ran into the only empty stall that was near him. Immediately, he fell to his knees and started vomiting up everything he had in him. The realization of it all had hit him like a bolt of lightning. He was beyond hurt, traumatized, and confused.
    “What have I done?” He said in between gagging and coughing. His stomach cringed inside as he threw up nothing but liquids. “I’m so sorry, O’.” he wept followed by more gagging like it was now so bad that it was eating away at the lining of his stomach. He started sobbing like a man that had been damaged to the core by a woman that he’d put on a pedestal ever since he’d known her.
    He sat on the bathroom floor, feeling sorry for himself and the situation at
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