"Possibly. Did you know that seventy
percent of people with narcolepsy also suffer cataleptic attacks?" Before Geary could open her mouth to
comment, Tory refuted her own theory. "That's not you, though. I've seen you angry enough times to
know that that lovely symptom doesn't affect you. Of course, narcoleptics also have vivid hallucinations
either while asleep or even while awake. And, of course, sleepwalking. I know you don't sleepwalk.
Have you become delusional lately?"
Yes, but discussing vivid sexual fantasies with a fifteen-year-old bookworm wasn't something Geary
intended to do.
Geary scowled at her. "How do you know all this? Jeez, Tory, you're a kid. Act like it." Before she
could even blink, Tory reached out and punched her on the arm. Hard. "Ow!" She rubbed her biceps
where Tory had hit her. "What was that for?"
"Unexpected and irrational emotional outbursts. Isn't that what teenagers are supposed to do? Oh, and
sulk. A lot."
Geary held her hands up in surrender. "Fine. Have it your way, Dr . Kafieri."
In an expression more akin to her age, Tory gave her a gleeful grin before she went to help the boat's
captain with some line he was securing.
Shaking her head, Geary headed back belowdecks to find Teddy and Scott, who were grumbling about
Thia's presence on their team while they worked… something Geary couldn't help since she'd promised
Thia's mother to watch after her this summer. Apparently, the little shrew had attacked Teddy for taking
up too much of Scott's time.
Geary hoped they'd get over their ire soon. She had banished her cousin to the city for a short round of
shopping while they prepared to sail back to the area where Geary believed Atlantis was hiding. The last
thing they needed was to have Thia gaggling about, complaining over everything.
Besides, Thia lived for shopping. The shinier the object, the more she adored it. So much so, the girl had
actually worn red horns last Halloween that were decorated with dangling diamond hoops. As was fitting
for her, Thia had dressed up as a shopping demon.
Brian had volunteered to accompany her and keep her out of trouble—which, knowing Thia, was a
necessary assignment. Their luck, she'd end up being either abducted into white slavery or stolen by
green aliens.
Meanwhile, Geary was so tired, she couldn't stand it. It was all she could do to stay awake.
" Megeara. Return to me .…"
A chill went down her body as she heard the deeply erotic voice in her head again.
From the corner of her eye she saw something move. She turned and there in the doorway, on the stairs
that led to the top deck, was Arikos. Dressed completely in black, he stood to the side with wicked eyes
that promised her an endless night of orgasm, and a seductive smile that froze her to the spot.
" Come, Megeara ." His voice whispered like a phantom wind, caressing her. Lulling her.
He held his hand out…
Never had she seen a more compelling pose. All she wanted was to take his hand and have him sweep
her up in his arms like he did in her dreams. She wanted to strip him bare and taste the perfection of his
To taste those inviting lips.
Without thinking, she held her hand out toward his. So close that they were almost touching. Only a
breadth of a hair more…
But he wasn't real and she knew it.
"Geary? Can you hand me my ruler?"
She started at Teddy's voice. Dropping her hand, she glanced to her left and saw the ruler on the
cluttered desktop. She barely blinked before she looked back toward the stairs.
They were empty, with no sign of Arikos waiting there for her to return, and that filled her with extreme
I am losing my mind.
Yeah, but what a way to go. Everyone should be stalked by such a sexy hallucination.
Not wanting to think about that, she picked up the ruler and handed it to Teddy, who was watching her
with a concerned frown. Even though he was only a few years older than her, he acted more like a father