Dragon Knight's Axe

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Book: Dragon Knight's Axe Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Morgan
Tags: Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal, Time travel, Medieval
shrugged. “Could not say. The Druid gave it to me.”
    “It could have been poison, ” Alastair snapped.
    “Nae, he gave the same to Thomas.”
    “Humph! Trying to kill us both.”
    Alastair did have to admit his stomach started to feel better, though his head still raged a battle inside. That would take time to ease.
    Stretching out his legs, he glanced up at Gunnar. “The rest of the men?”
    The man scratched the back of his neck. “Anxious to depart to Dunnyneill.”
    He snorted and stood. “We will leave on the morrow before dawn.” One more day on land will not matter to them or their cargo.
    “For the love of Odin—”
    Alastair halted his words with his hand. “I ken the men have certain needs to take care of. In truth, my plan was to set out early.”
    “They will not be happy.”
    A wicked smile curved on Alastair’s face. “Send them to me, and tell them to bring their swords. They can take out their unhappiness in the lists.”
    “ Alastair .” A tone of warning weighed heavy in Gunnar’s voice.
    “Ye can be first. Ye have grown soft, wanting to find comfort in the arms of a woman.” Alastair maintained his mocking tone.
    Gunnar lunged. Alastair drew the magic into his body, healing almost instantly.
    With a flash, he had the man by the neck, his dirk at his throat. “Do not ever think ye can attack me.” He slowly released his hold and backed away.
    The man’s eyes flashed with fury, but he held back. Snarling out a curse, he shook his fist in the air as he stormed away.
    Alastair slipped his dirk into its sheath. “Bloody fool.”
    A twig snapped behind him, and he turned quickly. A deer approached without fear, nudging his leg with its head. Alastair’s hand clenched in order to avoid touching the animal. For to do so would unleash a rush of magic with the deer. Dark eyes gazed into his, and he swallowed.
    “I cannae,” he whispered.
    The deer glanced behind him before making its way back into the trees.
    Wiping a shaking hand across his forehead, Alastair turned to head back. He hesitated, stepping back toward the oak. Placing his hand along the rough bark, he breathed out a prayer of thanks. Instantly, the branches answered, sweeping along his back and brushing down his arms. Raising his head, he waited until they slowly drifted away. It would be his only contact with the land for a verra long time.
    Striding away, he prepared for a battle with his men.
    “By the blood of your God, have ye had enough?” Alastair glared at Ivar, wiping the blood from his eye. Ivar had managed to strike his scar at a weak moment. They were all angry when Gunnar announced their leaving would be delayed.
    “So the mighty Dubh Dragon bleeds,” his opponent taunted.
    “Aye, I do. Royal blood, I believe.”
    Ivar lunged. However, Alastair was prepared. He veered to the left and delivered a blow to the back of the man’s head. Ivar crumbled to his knees.
    He held his blade to the back of Ivar’s neck. “Again, I ask ye, have ye had enough?”
    The rest of the men leaned against the wall, most with swollen eyes or gashes to various parts of their bodies.
    Ivar slowly stood, rubbing at the back of his head. “Aye,” he growled.
    Gunnar groaned in frustration.
    Steiner and Alrek turned toward him. “Pay forth,” stated Steiner.
    “Betting against me, again?” Alastair shook his head, walking over to a large bucket of water. Grasping it, he dumped the entire contents over his head.
    Two lessons in one day, Gunnar , thought Alastair. The sooner they were at sea, the better. From there, they were headed to Dunnyneill. There they would find what they sought. Women. The mere thought stirred his own blood.
    Rubbing a hand across his face, he headed for the nearby stream to clean the remaining grime of blood and sweat from his body. Removing his boots and trews, he flung himself into the water. One of the rare times he felt the need to be in it—to bathe and
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