
Draculas Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Draculas Read Online Free PDF
Author: F. Paul Wilson
Tags: Fiction, Horror

    The collision occurred in such a matter of fashion
...who talked like that?


    "Thank the Lord, nobody got hurt, it being a freight train and all, but let me tell you, we've got one hell of a mess out here."

    "Just send me some deputies, goddamn it!"

    "Well, that's just it. Dave Howard's off on vacation to Navajo Lake and Clay Theel's got the weekend off and he's on his way to a gun show in Denver. You got security there at BC. I know those boys. They're good. Turn 'em loose and they'll keep the lid on till we can get somebody over. Gotta go."


    The line clicked dead.

    You got security there
...was he kidding? Blessed Crucifixion security was some good old boys who got off on wearing uniforms and carrying guns. They might, just might, have the cojones to eject Jenny Bolton, but they weren't going to handle the Moorecook thing.

    Okay...stabilize these people, get them admitted, then get the hell out of here. First, the softballers.

    He turned to Winslow. "What orthopedist and general surgeon are on tap?"

    She checked the call list. "Manetti and Schwartz."

    "Get them. Tell Manetti we've got a traumatic amputation for him and a major avulsion laceration for Schwartz."

    He walked over to the softballers. Jenny had stabilized the amputee. Bleeding had stopped but the guy was as white as his uniform used to be and looking shocky.

    "Want me to start an IV?" she said, nodding to the amputee as she cleaned the butt wound on the other softballer, prone on a gurney.

    He wanted her out of here but needed the help.

    "D-five in NS. Open it up. Type and cross-match him." He was going to need a transfusion. "I'll be sewing up the kid." He jabbed a finger at her. "Don't do one goddamn thing without checking with me first. Understood?"

    "Loud and clear," she said with a defiant look. Then it crumbled. "What if Mortimer comes back?"

    His worst fear, but he hid it. "We'll handle it."

    "Oh, like before? Hiding behind the nurse's station?"

    He was about to tear her a new one when three rapid gunshots sounded from somewhere in the hospital. A pause, then two more.

    "Oh, God," Jenny whispered.

    And then the doors burst open and two burly security guards backed in, each dragging two bloody bodies.

    "What the fuck is going on?" one of the guards screamed, wide eyes showing white all around. "There's some kind of creature going crazy in the lobby. We walked in and it was behind the snack bar. It ripped Ernie's head off!"

    Sure enough, one of the corpses had been decapitated.

    The other guard said, "I shot that fucker five times--I know I had at least three killshots--but they hardly even slowed him!"

    Lanz felt his knees go rubbery. He tried to speak but words wouldn't come.

    "We've got to evacuate." Jenny said.

    He glared at her as he found his tongue. "Evacuate where? We're in the American equivalent of Outer Mon-fucking-golia. Plus the highway's blocked. What do I do? March or carry a hundred and fifty patients out into the woods?"

    That shut her up--almost.

    "Okay, then. If the patients can't leave, neither am I. When my ex comes back, we're going up to pediatrics and make sure nothing happens to those kids."

    "Like hell you--"

    And then he saw one of the guards start back into the hospital.

    "Where are you going?"

    "To get Ernie's head. I ain't leaving his head out there!"

    Lanz wanted to scream not to leave him and that Ernie didn't care about the location of his goddamn head at this point, but bit it back. He was the captain of this ship and he had to hold it together, despite the fact that this corner of the world had gone insane.

    SHANNA turned away as she saw the prissy doctor poised over Mortimer's exposed chest, smearing a clear gel on the defibrillator paddles. She'd spent the last two months studying some of history's worst atrocities. In fact she'd often perused accounts of mass impalings while eating lunch--no problem.

    But this? Uh-uh.

    She headed into the
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