Doomsday Warrior 14 - American Death Orbit

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Book: Doomsday Warrior 14 - American Death Orbit Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ryder Stacy
take the Dynasoar Satellite Killer. It’s our only chance. And—it works. We should go up there—and see.”
    There was a sudden buzzing of voices around the table as those present, military and scientist, wondered whether they wanted the voices in Rockson’s head to determine such a momentously important course of action.
    “Gentlemen,” he added, slightly sheepishly. “Please, whatever your concerns about the reliability of the Glowers—they have helped us in the past. Now they tell us—tell me—what has to be done.
    “I have gone over some of the gathered material and intel from Shecter. And the Glowers are right, the Dynasoar is still in good shape. It’s the only one that’s actually been seen by one of our own people. So we know it exists, independent of Glower information.”
    “That’s right,” Rath piped in. “There’s a lot to that. We had some of our own Search and Gather people taken prisoner up there in Southern Wyoming where the thing is based. Five of them—captured by the warlord, Garr he calls himself. The man controls a hundred square miles of terrain that our baby just happens to be in the center of—underground in a rail tube bunker. We don’t even know for sure that Garr understands the significance of the thing. Worships it maybe—or more likely uses it to cow the others. The team was captured—two were castrated and tortured—two boiled alive and eaten in a ritual ceremony. One man escaped, but not before he got a glimpse of the spaceship when he was imprisoned underground in a cell for some days. They use some of the steel rooms below ground alongside the sitting rocket to keep their sacrifices. The man was lucky as hell to be alive. He won’t even go out on field assignments anymore. We’ve had to assign him to desk work here inside C.C.”
    “Can hardly blame him,” Dr. Shecter said, shaking his head. “It was an archeological team—a family unit. Not fighters. Guy lost his father and both brothers on the ill-fated expedition.”
    The others shook their heads. Sometimes life wasn’t fair in meting out how much it gave one individual to bear.
    “Well, if it’s any consolation to him,” Rock said addressing Shecter. “If this sighting turns out to be as important as it appears to be, and we can use this ship to stop the brewing madness above our heads—their sacrifice won’t have been in vain at all. Maybe more important ultimately than all the men who have died so far in battle trying to regain freedom.”
    “Well, Rock, you’d be the man to lead any expedition since it would clearly involve a combat force. What do you see as your needs? I mean—if you want the job.”
    Rock nodded. “I want the job! Well, aside from the actual strike force which I’d keep below two dozen—more than that slows travel and our only chance will be to strike fast and surgically—get in there, clear a way for the ship—and then fly it the hell out of there. But beyond the physical obstacles, which at least are predictable, my main concern is how the hell would we fly it, and operate the military systems of this warship. Is there anyone who has a clue how?”
    “I think I can answer that,” Thatcher spoke up with a sly smile. “From the moment we began charting these possible missile-weapons, we’ve gone over whatever plans we could find. Luckily one of the most complete set of plans we discovered was for the Dynasoar. We got those from a bombed-out USAF headquarters about two hundred miles north of here. Complete blueprints and operation manual—everything. We’ve had our best brains on it, working with computer analysis to see just how the thing is actually steered and operated. And I think we can offer some help there. You’re going to have headaches beyond recall trying to memorize this stuff—and I think at best you’re going to need five or six of our top science boys along, which I know will slow you down. But—”
    “I’ll be glad to have them along,” Rockson
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