Don't Mess With Earth

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Book: Don't Mess With Earth Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cliff Ball
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space ships, Space flight, aliens on earth, space aliens
discuss what they found on Earth. Speaking in
front of an assembly full of scientists, historians, archeologists,
and a few representatives of the government, the head of the team,
Tom Lomanco, who was the great, great grandson of the first Terran
to return to Earth, began speaking, “Years ago, we were sent to
study Earth’s history post-flood. We found that the way Earth is
now, as far as having seven continents are concerned, came into
being around the time the waters apparently receded, some of which
froze, putting Earth into an ice age, which they are still going
through to some degree. The continents separated between the time
we left and returned. We’ve also heard some rumors of a lost
continent with lost humans, that some on Earth have been referring
to as Atlantis, so we naturally assumed those rumors refer to the
original Terrans who left Earth all those years ago.
    “So we started investigating the lost
continent theory, going also to the original coordinates the
ancestors had recorded as their homeland. The coordinates brought
us to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where there are no islands
or major landforms anywhere in sight. Most of the rumors have this
lost continent as being either in the Indian Ocean or off of the
coast of Africa in the Atlantic, but we know that’s not the case.
With continental drift, it was assumed that our former land may
have merged with Asia or broke up into tinier islands scattered all
over the ocean, so we called for a detailed orbital scan of Earth’s
surface. Once the scan was complete, our team was sent the report
of what the scan contained, and we found that a city is most
definitely at the bottom of the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.
Now, our ancestors lived on a two hundred square mile island, most
of which was city, so we’re certain that it is the so-called lost
continent. I’m calling for a deep-sea expedition to investigate
what we can about what the last days were like for those left
behind. Now, as for our other findings, there is much to
    Lomanco went on to describe what his team
discovered on the rest of Earth and its history of civilization.
The Terran Science Academy authorized an expedition to the sunken
Terra City; they were to find out what happened to the rest of the
left behind Terrans and recover anything of value. A deep ocean
submarine was shipped to Earth, and placed in the waters above the
lost city. The Terrans made sure none of the nearer islands with
inhabitants, who were thousands of miles away, had boats traveling
in their direction; otherwise this plan would not work. The Terrans
also built a portable science lab on the water to process any
findings by the submarine and then relay the information to the
science community as a whole.
    The Terrans spent over a year cataloging
everything on the bottom of the ocean, and brought up equipment and
computers from the sunken city that the Terrans had used to build
their space program and the generation starship. When they
discovered that, in spite of being underwater all those centuries,
the computers still worked, the Terrans were ecstatic. Once
everything dried out, computer technicians accessed the data stored
on the hard drives, then uploaded and stored that data to Terra’s
massive supercomputer, so all data could be analyzed. According to
the Terrans of ancient Earth who made entries into their computers,
a massive wave that could be seen for miles, approached Terra City
as the rains began to fall and as the last rocket was blasting off.
The wave hit with massive force according to data recorded by
instruments in Terra City and killed the remaining inhabitants
instantly. A video, found a few months later by recovery teams,
showed the panic of the Terrans who witnessed the wave, and for a
short time, recorded the devastation to the city. The recovery
teams submitted their findings to the government, who informed the
people of Terra about what was found. To make sure humans
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