Don't Mess With Earth
    “Yes, he and Arthur created Camelot. I’ve
heard Earth people talk of it as if it was a myth, a legend created
to keep the Vikings from rampaging all over England. When the
Terran authorities came for them, then put them under house arrest,
it broke my dads’ spirit. He told me of his grand adventures here
on Earth, which fascinated me. I wanted to have an adventure on
Earth too when I grew up, so here I am, about to attack a bunch of
crazy humans. Are you ready for battle, Saladin?”
    “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. If the two of
us survive, do you want to meet on the Mars Base and reminisce
about old times?”
    “Sure, sounds like fun. Well, good luck with
your men and their attempt to wipe us out.” they shook hands and
went back to their camps.
    Saladin and Khan pumped up their men into
being full of fury before issuing the order to attack; both sides
were ready to kill without mercy. An hour later, the Muslims
attacked the Mongols with a fierceness that even Saladin was
surprised with. The Mongols fought back with equal ferocity, both
sides hacking off arms, legs, and even heads from the men they were
fighting against. The battle went back and forth, since there were
four hundred and fifty thousand men fighting. The Muslims kept
attacking in wave after wave, fighting tooth and nail to kill these
Mongol infidels, but they were no match for the Mongols. Twelve
hours later, most of Saladin’s warriors were dead, while the few
who remained would run away to fight again some other day. The
countryside was littered with limbs, heads, limbless and headless
torsos, and the countryside seemed to be soaked with blood. The
Mongols, of those who had survived the battle, sacked and looted
Baghdad, then burned it to the ground. They then turned north,
towards the Russian Empire to see what riches that land held.
Saladin and Genghis met weeks later on Mars, and reminisced about
old times, talked politics, and discussed their family lives.
    A few years later, Genghis Khan re-invented
himself and used his own name, Marco Polo. He went to Europe, from
China, using the Silk Road route; he wanted to convince the
Europeans that China still existed, especially since he tried so
hard in the past to help destroy some of it. This being the Dark
Ages in Europe, there had been no official contact with China since
before the fall of the Roman Empire. Polo went to Rome to show the
people in charge, which would be the Roman Church, what kind of
products China produced so a trade route could be officially
re-opened between Europe and Asia. Polo was ushered in to see the
Pope, who seemed to be issuing orders to some priests and soldiers
about keeping the Germanies from thumbing their collective noses at
the Church.
    After twenty minutes of berating his priests
and soldiers, the Pope noticed Polo, dismissed the priests and
soldiers, and asked, “Welcome, my son, what can I help you
    Polo, who had no use for this Church version
of Christianity, responded with, “I don’t think you can help me
with anything. However, I believe I can help you establish ties
with China and re-establish an official trade route with them. This
could possibly help Europe come out of this Dark Age it finds
itself in.”
    “Now, why would I want to trade with
heathens? Europe is fine under my leadership, why would I want
anything to change? Are you sure you don’t need my blessings or
confess some sin you’re holding in?”
    “If I did need to confess a sin, I would go
directly in prayer to God, not use some egomaniacal, power hungry,
sinful human to intercede for me. Since it’s obvious you don’t want
your people to become educated and literate, which would cause them
to question your authority, we’re finished here. Thank you for your
time, sir.” Polo left in disgust, and then decided to leave Earth
for good, hoping someday Earth would not have such a backward
    In the meantime, a team of archeologists
returned to Terra to
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