angrily. ‘Not true! Sand heard it is already happening.’
Sky glanced at Muddy and motioned him to be quiet. He nodded to Bellatrix again.
‘ Who wants to make this happen, Sand?’
‘ Sand must go now.’
‘ First say who, Sand.’
He looked around fearfully, then dropped his gaze to the seabed. ‘My clan. The Kark Du says it must happen. He will make zeta hate zeta. We must do it or we die, he says.’
Sand was looking more and more upset and Sky was afraid that he might bolt at any moment, maybe back into the wreck. ‘Kark Du?’ he enquired gently.
‘ That is the name we give leader. Our father and our master.’
‘ Who are “we”?’
‘ Sand must go!’
Sky spoke gently to the young dolphin, trying to calm him, ‘Alright, you can go if you promise to come back and speak to me. When can you come?’
Sand looked at him mutely.
‘ When would you normally meet him again, Bellatrix?’ Sky asked.
‘ The next new moon, at sunset. But are you going to tell the Council about this Jeii?’
Sky glanced at Muddy for consent before replying. ‘Well, not yet anyway. Not if Sand promises to come back. Alright Sand? Come back then and you and I will talk some more. Promise that and you can go, and I will not tell our Council about your friends.’
Sky held the frightened stare of the youth for a long moment. Sand looked deeply distressed but finally lowered his eyes in what seemed to be acknowledgement. Sky decided that was the best he was likely to get.
‘ Just one last question before you go: who are “we”? Who are your clan?’
Sand looked at him in panic. ‘We…they are…Guardians! And they kill me too if they know I speak like this.’ And suddenly he turned and was gone, swimming at speed out to sea.
Chapter 4
“ For countless millennia, Ocean nurtured all the zetii; delighting in the strong, tolerating the weak. Now the times of plenty draw to an end. Only the true followers of the Way will prosper. The Ka-Tse are Ocean’s favoured sons and daughters. Others shall not eat until they are satiated.”
- The ‘Seer’ Stone Eyes (13,222 -13,264 post Great Alluvium).
He was being crushed by his own body. The unfamiliar weight of it driving his chest against the hot sand. Every breath a struggle. Sunlight burning his back, his skin stretched dry and tight. The tide had ebbed away leaving him and the rest of the clan in this alien world, their grey bodies scattered across the beach like giant, wave tossed pebbles. He was glad at least that his mother was beside him. It soothed him at first to look into her clear eye. There was some sand in the corner of that eye, and it looked wrong, unnatural. A drop of thick liquid carried some of it down her face. He wished he could help her get rid of that sand, it must be hurting her. At first he’d thought that she was trying to comfort him — was trying to speak to him. But he couldn’t hear her. Had heard nothing since the terrible noise had begun.
At first it had been exciting; they’d gone up to look at the strange machines. Odd, angular shapes protruded from the massive grey bodies that sped through the water driven by the noisy, swirling blades. He’d been frightened by those, but riding the huge pressure wave in front of the machines with his father and older brother had been fun.
Then the sounds had begun. Shattering pulses of sound that shook his chest and seemed to split his brain. He’d been terrified and had looked to the adults for guidance, just wanting them to stop the pain, make everything right; like they always did.
Father and mother had led him and his brother in a fast swim towards the land with the rest of the clan. There were no words of comfort, or none that could be heard. They couldn’t even navigate with their sonar; the awful sound pulses dominated everything; so they just fled through the turbid water.
They had blindly followed the rest of the clan up into the shallows and then