Doctor Who: The Visitation

Doctor Who: The Visitation Read Online Free PDF

Book: Doctor Who: The Visitation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eric Saward
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
on the landing. Instead he turned to Nyssa and said, 'You'd better let the others in.
    'Shouldn't we get back to the TARDIS?'
    'Soon. But first I want to consider this wall for a little while.'
    At the front door, Mace, realising there wasn't anyone at home, had rediscovered his courage. Banging on the door, he demanded to know where the Doctor had got to and how much longer he would be. But such was his manner and attitude neither Adric nor Tegan felt inclined to find out for him.
    But the swaggering rapidly ceased as the bolts were heard being drawn back. The colour drained from Mace's face. He almost seemed to shrink in stature.
    It was far more than a change of mood, it was much more a complete metamorphosis.
    Tegan was stunned by his reaction.
    As the door creaked open, Mace doffed his cap and gave a low, humble bow. This he held for a full fifteen seconds as he mentally went through his complete repertoire of totally cowed apologetic expressions. Selecting what he considered to be his most suitable, he straightened up and saw Nyssa smiling in the doorway.
    'How did you get in?' said Tegan brightly.
    'We found an open window.'
    Mace's face collapsed into fresh grimaces of horror.
    'You broke in?!' he spluttered.
    'It's perfectly safe. There isn't anyone here. Come and look.'
    With much coaxing and physical pushing from Adric and Tegan, Mace eventually followed Nyssa into the main hall.
    'Where's the Doctor?' said Adric.
    Nyssa led them across to the landing door. 'He's downstairs. He's found a wal that seems to fascinate him.'
    'Any sign of survivors?'
    Nyssa shook her head.
    'Survivors?' Mace croaked. 'What is this talk of survivors?'
    'The Doctor will explain,' said Nyssa, as she stepped out onto the landing. But she was mistaken. He had gone - disappeared. Anxiously, Nyssa looked around and then ran down the stairs calling for the Doctor.
    'Where did you leave him?' said Tegan.
    'Here on the bottom step. Staring at that wall.'
    Tegan descended the stairs. 'Wel , he can't be far.' In turn their voices sang out, calling for him. Even Mace joined in. But as they continued to call, their voices grew more edgy, more concerned. At last too distraught to go on, Nyssa said distractedly, 'I shouldn't have left him alone.'
    'And why not?' said the Doctor, as he appeared to pop out of a solid wall. Concern instantly turned to amazement.
    'That isn't possible,' said Tegan. 'No one can walk through a solid brick wall.'
    'Quite right. So I used the door.'
    Tegan was beginning to get annoyed. 'But there isn't a door. Your head is protruding from a solid brick wall!'
    'The door's there. Only you can't see it.'
    Nyssa approached the wal and ran her hands over it. 'It's an energy barrier.'
    'Right.' The Doctor held up his sonic screwdriver. 'And I was able to part it with a sonic key.'
    'Why can't we see through it?' said Adric.
    'Camouflage. As you pass through it, it opens around you.'
    Mace, who had been listening and watching said, 'Tell me this wall is a trick, an illusion.
    As a man of the theatre I am familiar with such things.
    But such a trick I've never seen before!'
    'It's certainly here to deceive,' said the Doctor, hoping he wouldn't want details of how it worked.
    'Incredible!' Mace felt the wall and then inserted his hand into the open part of the barrier. He turned to the Doctor, and beamed. 'With a trick like this, you could make a fortune around the fairs.'
    'You could indeed,' the Doctor smiled. 'Come on,' he added, 'we must find the survivors.'
    And he disappeared again.
    Mace patted the wall before passing through the invisible opening. 'I must learn how it's done,' he muttered.
    As the companions followed the actor through the wal , the shadow of an enormous man wrapped in a cloak fell across the landing. Slowly the shadow spread across the floor, until its
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