Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom

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Book: Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom Read Online Free PDF
Author: Philip Hinchcliffe
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
the Power Unit, Scorby tied her to a heavy pipe on the wall and then started to fix an explosive device to the side of the Fuel Cell.
    â€˜This bomb will set off a fault in the system which in turn will blow up the entire Camp, leaving no clues whatsoever. Ingenious, don’t you think?’
    â€˜You’re twisted... evil!’ replied Sarah. ‘Why kill us all? Why not just take the pod?’
    Scorby leered sadistically. ‘You know too much.’ He finished wiring the charge and picked up the pod container. ‘Come on, Keeler, let’s get airborne.’
    Sarah suddenly noticed Keeler’s strange, tortured expression. ‘No... no... I can’t let you do this!’ He lunged at Scorby. ‘It’s cold-blooded murder!’
    Scorby brushed him aside. ‘Too late,’ he snarled. ‘I’ve already started the count-down.’ He turned to Sarah. ‘You won’t have long to wait. Ten minutes at the most.’ He strode out. Keeler shot Sarah a final, anguished look, then hurried after.
    The door slammed shut and Sarah heard the bolt drawn across. She glanced at the detonator. The numerals on the clock were clearly visible. They read five hundred and eighty seconds. She struggled to free her bonds but knew it was hopeless.
    With a final wrench the Doctor released his wrists from the biting rope and headed for the door. ‘I’ll get after the pod... and Sarah,’ he snapped at Stevenson. ‘You contact Main Base on the radio and see if they can intercept the aircraft.’
    â€˜What about the Krynoid?’
    â€˜We’ll have to take a chance on that,’ cried the Doctor and dashed out. Stevenson hobbled after him into the corridor, rubbing his wrists and ankles.
    The Doctor set out from the Camp at a run, his eyes scanning the murky grey landscape. ‘Sarah! Sarah!’ His voice died on the wind. Although it was nearly daylight the snowfall was still heavy. He hesitated a moment then headed in the direction of the landing strip. They had probably made straight for the plane. It was a slim chance, but he might still be able to stop them taking off.
    In the Lab, Stevenson was feverishly plugging up the radio. ‘Hello Main Base... hello Main Base... can you hear me?... Over.’ The line seemed dead. ‘Hello Main Base? Over.’ Nothing.
    Behind him the door began to open slowly and a fibrous tentacle pushed its way into the room.
    â€˜Hello... this is Camp Three calling Main Base. Can you hear me... can you hear me?’ He threw down the headphones and inspected the back of the equipment. Immediately he saw the damage.
    â€˜Sabotage!’ he whispered to himself. Then suddenly he realised he was not alone. He whirled round. A terrifying mass of green tentacles was bearing down on him.
    â€˜No... no...!’ Stevenson stumbled back, crashing into the radio. But there was no escape. The tentacles were all round him and closing in. He let out a last desperate cry as the Krynoid enveloped him totally.
    In the Power Unit, Sarah stared mesmerised as the seconds ticked away.
    The Doctor pounded through the snow, his scarf flailing in the wind. What a fool he had been. The pod stolen by a thug with a gun! The consequences were incalculable.
    All at once a fresh noise cut through the howl of the wind. The Doctor stopped and strained his ears. It was a plane taking off. He was too late. The thought stabbed him like a knife. Sarah? He hardly dared contemplate her fate. He turned back towards the Camp, a lonely and dejected figure. His gaze swept the glaring white snowscape but took nothing in.
    Then, abruptly, he jerked to life again. Looming out of the snow a few hundred yards away was the dark shape of the Power Unit building. He set off towards it at full pelt.
    Not far away, but hidden by the ridge, another figure also moved quickly through the snow.
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