Doctor Who: The Gunfighters

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Book: Doctor Who: The Gunfighters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Cotton
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
    me’ll likely be needin’ Holliday’s assistance right soon.
    The way things are, we gonna thank the Lord for all the guns we can get!’
    ‘Guns?’ enquired the Doctor. ‘I thought you said he was a dentist?’
    ‘Time to time he is. Othertimes, he’s the deadliest, alcoholic killer as ever saved my life. Down in Tucson, that was... O.K. then, stranger – if that’s truly your business in town, I won’t keep you from it. If he gets a customer straight off, maybe he’ll stick around a while. Let ’em out, Bat.’
    The Doctor was probing his mouth cautiously.
    ‘Homicidal, you say? And dipsomania, too? In that case, I’m not entirely sure that I need... ouch... his services...’
    ‘Don’t worry, old timer,’ comforted Wyatt. ‘Doctor John H. Holliday don’t ever mix business with misery. He’ll do you a right good job, if you tell him I sent you... an’ if he’s sober, of course. Which this hour he’ll likely still be...
    Now, on your way!’
    So, in as little time as it took Bat Masterson to find the right key, the three friends were released on probation; and stumbled out on to Main Street, to go and meet their customary come-uppance.

Open Mouth Surgery
    Seems they found the dentefactor’s premises without any trouble – and that was something they should have made the most of, while they had the chance; being as how we all need just such an occasional tranquil moment in our lives.
    Doc Holliday had chosen to advertise his whereabouts with the simple but striking device of a king-size, hardwood, decayed tooth; suspended over the sidewalk from an ornamental iron bracket – painted bright red, to simulate the appearance of a bleeding gum. Not only effective, I’d say, but also positively therapeutic; because one glance persuaded the Doctor that his pain resulted from nothing but an inflamed imagination.
    ‘It was only the merest twinge,’ he said. ‘Undoubtedly psychosomatic in origin. No, I really don’t think I need trouble the man over such a paltry... ouch !’
    ‘You get in there, Doctor!’ said Steven, ruthlessly. ‘Now you’ve dragged us all into this god-forsaken hole, you’ll damn well have the thing out. Otherwise there’ll be tears and tantrums all the way to the next time warp!’
    ‘You wouldn’t dare to speak to me like that, my boy, if I weren’t...’
    ‘Probably not. So just think how nice it’ll be to get your own back, once it’s all over. Then Dodo and I will be able to play and sing at your convalescence, won’t we? Honestly
    – the Queen of the Ivory Keys! Songs for All Occasions!
    We’re not going to forgive you for that in a hurry!’
    ‘Well, I had to say something...’
    ‘Yes, you always do, don’t you? Well, I only hope someone asks you to wow the town with a few conjuring tricks, and perhaps that’ll be a lesson to you!’
    ‘You are entirely heartless!’
    ‘Of course we’re not,’ put in Dodo. ‘Don’t worry – it’ll soon be over. And to show you how much we really love you, Steven and I will go on to the nearest hotel, and book three rooms and an enormous meal.’
    ‘Yes,’ said Steven. ‘So you can just think of that, while you’re screaming with agony in there. It will take your mind off things...’
    ‘Very well. I honestly think I’d rather face a murderous, drunken dentist, than listen to you two in this mood. If I am spared, I will join you later...’
    And he lurched into the shop – a very gallant gentleman... Dodo giggled – and Steven looked at her with some concern.
    ‘I can’t see there’s a great deal to laugh at,’ he said.
    ‘Well, I was just thinking,’ spluttered the callous hoyden, ‘I hope he isn’t expecting an anaesthetic. They haven’t been invented yet!’
    And slapping each other merrily, like a touring version of ‘The Clanton Boys at Home’, they set off for the Last Chance Saloon.
    The Doctor’s first impression of the premises was better than he had been led to tremble at,
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