Doctor Who: The Gunfighters

Doctor Who: The Gunfighters Read Online Free PDF

Book: Doctor Who: The Gunfighters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Cotton
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
that,’ said Wyatt; ‘makes me nervous...’
    He didn’t look nervous; but there you are – you never can tell...
    ‘And is that some of ’em you got in the cage there?’
    asked the Sheriff.
    After all, it was his gaol, and someone had to do the paper work...
    ‘No,’ said Wyatt. ‘Them’s just an uppity parcel of vagrants, as I took into protective custody till such time as they see fit to give a proper account of theirselves.
    Question ’em careful, Bat – question ’em real shrewd!
    Could be trouble. The hosts of Midian sure is out aprowlin’, this blessed day.’
    ‘Blessed, you call it?’ said Bat, glancing out of the window; ‘I’ve seen better days, I must say.’
    ‘No-one lasts forever,’ agreed Wyatt.
    Bat ignored the remark.
    ‘And that bunch don’t look particular dangerous, do they now?’ he continued. ‘I mean, they ain’t by no means the Daltons. More like as if they was actors from the Bird Cage Theatre, I’d say. Eddie Foy’s playin’ there at the moment,’ he remembered. ‘Get you a ticket?’
    ‘Theatres,’ reproved Wyatt, ‘is a haunt of vice an’
    corruption. Lewdness an’ filth.’
    ‘Well, the notices were good,’ said Bat.
    And the Doctor, who had been listening with interest, at once adopted the cover so conveniently offered.
    ‘Quite so,’ he interjected. ‘That, indeed, is who we are –
    a humble troupe of travelling players...’
    ‘Then why didn’t you say so before?’ demanded Wyatt.
    ‘You yourself have just explained why. We are commonly regarded as rogues and vagabonds. Incorrectly, of course, but experience has taught us to be wary of revealing our true profession, before we are certain of our reception. Moreover, we are at the moment between engagements; and as always, rather loth to admit it. But now that your colleague had seen through our modest deception, allow me to perform the introductions: Miss Dodo Dupont – Queen of the Ivory Keys; Mr Steven Regret – Songs for All Occasions; and lastly, your humble servant, Doctor... Doctor Caligari – Master of Magic and Legerdemain!’
    ‘Doctor who?’ enquired Bat.
    ‘Precisely!’ said the Doctor; and he looked at the others for approval. He was disappointed, of course – but he was used to that by now.
    ‘And if there are any tickets going,’ said Dodo, ‘we’d love to see Eddie Foy!’
    ‘No, we wouldn’t,’ contradicted the Doctor. ‘In fact, our sole purpose in visiting your fair city is so that I can avail myself of the services of a dentist. Perhaps one of you gentlemen would be so kind as to recommend one?’
    ‘Well, now – ain’t that something?’ said Bat. ‘Ain’t that jest the daddy of all coincidences? Ain’t that the livin’, breathin’ cock-a-mamie circumstance to beat all? Why, I’ll be swiped sideways for an egg-stealin’ polecat, if... ’
    ‘Keep it short, Bat,’ warned Wyatt.
    ‘... if it ain’t!’ his friend concluded.
    ‘You all through now?’
    ‘Jest about. But Wyatt, seems like an Act of Providence...’
    ‘Reckon I’d know best about a thing like that. What are you trying to say?’
    ‘Why, Wyatt...’
    ‘An’ don’t say “Why, Wyatt!” Told you before – sounds like you’re stammerin’. Man stammers, he’s scared. An’ a scared sheriff’s a dead one. Go on!’
    ‘Give me a moment... O.K. then, listen Wyatt – how about that? Guess who blew into town this morning!’
    ‘Can’t rightly say...’
    ‘Why –’
    Bat took a deep breath. ‘Holliday blew, that’s who! That no-account, four-flushing, treacherous rattlesnake of a...’
    ‘You’re speakin’ of a friend of mine?’
    ‘That’s right. Well he’s opened himself a dental extractory, right here on Main Street! How about that? An’
    I was just goin’ to run him out of town on a rail!’
    ‘Oh, don’t do that!’ begged the Doctor. ‘Or not until I’ve seen him anyway!’
    ‘Feller’s right, Bat,’ said Wyatt. ‘Like it or not, you
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