Doctor Who: Combat Rock
himself to be dragged reluctantly to the far side of the nightclub.
    ‘I should have whacked the sassenach!’ he grumbled furiously. ‘He had no right to call you that.’ His anger abated slightly when Wina took his hand in hers. ‘Please no trouble with this man. Not good man. Always fighting, fighting.
    Always with bad women.’
    ‘Aye, well, he’d just better watch himself,’ Jamie said,flexing his shoulders defensively and glancing back across the club as Wina led him to a table. He sat down with his new-found companion opposite. Just looking at her made him regain his good mood. She was a rare beauty and no mistake. He wondered again what Victoria would make of her, and if the two would get on. There was something ageless and mysteriously exotic about the dark-skinned girl, although she couldn’t be that much older than Jamie himself. Maybe in her early twenties. So natural and unselfconscious as opposed to the propriety and mannered behaviour of poor old Victoria.
    Not that he held it against his travelling companion of course.
    He loved her like a sister. She couldn’t help her strait-laced Victorian upbringing, and she’d certainly been through so much personal hardship and tragedy that he’d never in a million years begrudge her her slightly prim ways. But Wina was such a refreshing change...
    Pan flung his companion’s arm away as if she was diseased and furiously strode over to the bar. He should have torn that little sprat apart. And then dragged the boy’s whore off to his own bed. Now he looked stupid, as if he’d let the younger man get one over on him. His girl followed him to the bar. He rounded on her.
    ‘What d’you want ?’ he bellowed. ‘Always following me like a dog. Go find yourself someone else to worry, you hooker.’
    The girl’s dark eyes flashed dangerously. ‘Santi no working girl!’ she spat. ‘Why you say like that?’
    ‘Get away from me before I do something you’ll regret.’
    ‘Big man! Always the big man! Santi knows you not so bad really. You love Santi.’ Her face was hard with her own anger now. She was only small, but a wildness flared in her features that made Pan hesitate from delivering the blow he was about to dole out.
    ‘Love? You stupid whore... listen to yourself! I’ve only known you a week. I love what you do in my bed and nothing more, and I can easily find plenty of that elsewhere.’ He spun away from her, and lo and behold, further along the bar to his right a cute Indoni girl with a short, stylish haircut was giving him the eye. He grinned back and raised his drink. Santi watched helplessly as he marched up to join the girl, fighting back her tears of shame and fury.
    Jamie saw it all. He was trying not to look over at the older man, but Santi’s theatrical actions were hard to miss. Wina was watching too, and a slight smile played across her lips when she saw Pan approach the new girl.
    ‘Bad man,’ she said to Jamie pointedly.
    ‘Aye, an’ she’s better off without him, I’d say.’
    Wina looked a little put out. ‘Why you care? You like this girl?’
    ‘Which girl?’ Jamie scratched his head in puzzlement, feeling as though he was missing something somewhere. ‘Och, no. I just don’t like bullies that’s all.’ She frowned at the word and Jamie laughed. He decided to buy them both another drink rather than get involved in a laborious explanation of the expression. As he got up he could see the rejected Indoni girl make her way desolately over to a seat at the far corner of the long bar from where she watched her former companion flirting with his new consort.
    ‘You Mafiaaaa...’
    Pan lit his cigarette and looked at the girl. She wasn’t as pretty or as sleek as Santi, but what the hell. She would keep his bed warm tonight, and maybe without so much constant jabbering as his last woman. She had big eyes and big lips and a round face with a slightly flat nose. Cute, sexy, but no real prize. Not like that other one... the one
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