Do Opposites Attract?

Do Opposites Attract? Read Online Free PDF

Book: Do Opposites Attract? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathryn Freeman
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
got time to show me the medical tent now?’
    Mitch nodded. ‘Yeah. But not until you’ve shown me the boxes. I take it you checked with Margaret what to bring? We’re really struggling for some medical supplies.’
    Oh wow, he really knew how to make her feel small. Then again, she couldn’t blame him for this blunder. It was entirely down to her own ignorance. ‘Umm, no, I didn’t think to ask. I only checked what I should bring in terms of clothes. For me.’
    The disbelieving look he gave her said it all. ‘What on earth is in them then?’
    She stared at her feet, way beyond embarrassed. ‘I guess you’d better see for yourself.’
    When she dared to look back up Mitch was crouched down on his haunches, tearing open the first box with a penknife. After peering inside, he burst out laughing.
    By rights, she should have been highly offended at his reaction, and some of her was. She may not have had the foresight to find out what they needed, but at least she hadn’t come empty-handed. But she found herself unable to muster any anger because she was too busy goggling at the sight of the attractive man crouched over the box. Gone was the harshness, the brooding. In its place was a youthful, almost boyish expression. God, he was positively gorgeous. A smile lit up his face, warmed his chocolate-brown eyes, and even created a set of cute dimples on either side of his mouth. She would never have put cute and Dr Mitch McBride together in the same sentence. But here he was, looking so damned sexy she almost couldn’t breathe.
    ‘Teddy bears?’ Mitch asked when he’d finally finished laughing. ‘Well, I’ll give you ten out of ten for originality, if only one out of ten for practicality. But then I don’t suppose someone like you knows much about practicality.’
    The sting of his words brought Brianna crashing back down to earth and she immediately reversed her opinion of him. Not cute at all. For a moment she’d glimpsed someone else; a relaxed, attractive, fun-loving man. Now the harsh face was back and with it the sarcastic tone. ‘They aren’t for you,’ she replied stiffly. ‘They’re for your patients. I did bring some things for you and the team, but if that’s going to be your attitude, I think I’d prefer to take them home with me.’ Inside she cringed at the knowledge of what was in the other box. If he’d laughed at the teddy bears …
    Mitch took in Brianna’s flushed cheeks and fiery green eyes. She really was a beauty and her temper only added to her sensuality. But for crying out loud, when he thought of all the things she could have brought, and he was left staring at a box of ruddy useless stuffed bears. No, he was damned if he was going to apologise for laughing at her. He could, however, extend an olive branch. ‘I’m sure the kids will love the bears.’
    She raised her chin and looked him in the eye. ‘But medicines would have been more useful and might have saved a few lives.’
    He met honesty with honesty. ‘Yes.’
    With a sigh she nodded over to the other box. ‘I suppose you might as well see what I got you.’
    Intrigued, despite himself, he took out his penknife again and sliced open the second box, pulling out a couple of bags. ‘Shower gel and body lotion?’
    She bit her lip. ‘No, that’s for the women. Jane and Tessa, right?’
    He nodded and dived back into the box. ‘Whisky?’ He could see she was still embarrassed because her eyes weren’t quite meeting his now.
    ‘Yes,’ she replied diffidently. ‘A bottle for each of the men. Even you.’
    Laughing grimly, he tucked the bottle under his arm. That just about summed up the difference between them. She’d packed luxury items. He’d have given his eye teeth for some essentials. Disposable razors maybe, because he was running out. Batteries for his torch. Toothpaste, though maybe he could gargle with the whisky instead. ‘Thanks.’
    She acknowledged his pretty lame gratitude with a cursory nod.
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