Do Dead People Watch You Shower?

Do Dead People Watch You Shower? Read Online Free PDF

Book: Do Dead People Watch You Shower? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Concetta Bertoldi
this; it’s individual. Some probably are very much wanting to cross, and it’s their time to go. At times, we keep them here medically because we now know how to keep the body going with our technology. I personally do not believe in life support. I don’t believe that we have the right to keep someone here who, naturally, would cross. That is just my belief, but it does not mean that I am right; it’s simply how I feel about that issue.
    The main reason, I believe, that people in comas do not cross is simply fear. They may have fear of the crossing itself. They’re at an intersection and probably have fear of the unknown, they don’t know if crossing will mean that they cease to exist in any way. They may fear that in going, someone they leave behind will be hurt. They need to make a choice and they’re afraid of making the wrong choice; they’re stuck. I don’t think it’s the energy of our wanting them here that literally holds them. I think it’s the energy of their own fears about that that does so.

Have you ever done a reading where you heard from someone who technically was still living?
    No, not exactly. But I think you may be referring to someone who is, as we might put it, at death’s door. Usually in cases like that, I’m not hearing from that person but from other spirits that have already crossed. They may be telling me that this person will be joining them soon, that they are getting ready to call him. That person might even be seeing the spirits of his family who are waiting to receive him. Like someone in a coma, he may be lingering, not sure about going, maybe having some fears. But it’s his time. In any case, I’m not talking with that person; I’m hearing about that person.

If it’s someone’s time, can they decide not to go?
    I believe they can decline. But I doubt that this could continue on and on. So far, we have not earned eternal life in the flesh (and I’m not sure that would be such a prize to win, anyway, even though I know some see that as a goal). I think there would have to be a good reason for someone to be able to stay once they’ve been called. From everything I’ve heard, I believe that when we are called, there is nothing we’d like more than to go. It’s true that we might linger if we think someone here will be hurt by our leaving, but almost always we want to go. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard in a reading that hearing a loved one say to them “It’s okay to go” made all the difference. They are so grateful for that.

How is it decided who will greet us on the Other Side?
    I can’t give a definitive answer here, like a formula, but it has to do with those we’ve loved and lost, as well as the spirit Masters (kind of like caseworkers) who have been involved with our lives while we are here. It will always be a group of souls bringing us back home. If, for example, someone has been told in a reading that her husband will be coming to get her when it’s her time, that soul will be there, but he won’t be alone. He’ll be with a host of others. We may think that we’ll “only have eyes” for that one individual soul when we cross, but what happens is that as soon as we enter the Light and that knowing comes over us, we will recognize all the other souls who are with that one. We’ll recognize even souls that we didn’t know, this time, on earth, but knew before in other lives.

Do the dead know things about our pasts that they couldn’t have known while they were alive?
    They know everything. They are like God. When they cross over they become omniscient, all knowing—they know all of our thoughts and impulses. Even things they didn’t understand before, they now see clearly. It is revealed to them why things happened exactly the way they did.
    Once we cross we completely understand, for example, why our mates behaved the way they did, what their mission was, how it related to ours, everything behind anything that
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