Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1)

Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Praying Medic
to manifest, the would-be healer will accuse the one who is sick of not having enough faith. Don’t fall for this blame shifting tactic.
“I don’t believe in Jesus.”
    Healing doesn’t require the sick person to believe in Jesus or even in God, because healing is intended to make believers out of those who witness or receive it. Jesus told people to believe in Him because of the miracles He did. He didn’t require them to believe before being healed:
    “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. ”

JN. 14:11
    God often heals those we least expect because His grace and mercy are intended for everyone. Pete Cabrera visited the UK in April of 2011 to do some street healing. While in London, he met a man in a pub who was an atheist. Pete learned that the man suffered from chronic back pain. (One of the most common causes of low back pain is a misalignment of the hips due to one leg being longer than the other.) Pete asked the man to sit in a chair and extend his legs. He found that one leg was shorter, so Pete commanded it to grow. The legs became equal in length, which healed the back pain. The man became a follower of Jesus before he left the pub.
    Sometimes healing miracles can even draw an observer into belief in God as this story of mine demonstrates:
    In September of 2011, I transported a woman in my ambulance who complained of numbness in her right leg from her groin to her toes. Her doctor ordered an ultrasound, suspecting a vascular injury. She’d had a heart attack and stent placement a few weeks earlier.
    (To insert a stent, they place a large needle and sheath into a blood vessel in the groin and advance it to the heart. Our suspicion was that the insertion site for the catheter in her groin may have developed an aneurysm, compressing the femoral nerve, causing numbness to her leg.)
    To complicate the picture, she had end-stage kidney failure and was on dialysis. The dialysis fistula in her left arm deteriorated to the point where it was no longer useful. So her surgeon tied it off and following the surgery, she developed pain and some loss of function in her left hand. She also had complete blindness in her left eye and partial blindness in her right eye from detached retinas.
    She lived at a nearby facility across the parking lot from the hospital. I had a few hundred feet of blacktop in which to work a miracle. As we wheeled her toward the elevator, I asked if she’d let me pray for her. She agreed, so I started with her left hand. She reported the pain as six out of ten. As we got on the elevator, I commanded the pain to leave in the name of Jesus. After the door closed, I asked how she felt.
    “I don’t feel anything, now.”
    “Do you feel any pain in your arm or hand?”
    Smiling, and flexing her wrist and fingers in amazement, she said, “No pain at all. It feels normal.”
    Wheeled her toward the ambulance, we loaded the gurney. I needed to get her vital signs and call the receiving hospital. I asked my partner to get in back for a few minutes. I did a neurological assessment of her right leg. She felt nothing when I ran my finger along the sole of her foot. I did it several times to make sure. I pinched her skin above the ankle.
    “I can feel you touching me, but I can’t tell if it’s dull or sharp.”
    Just below her knee, she could tell that I was pinching her skin. As I tested her ability to sense pain in her leg, I could tell that her neurological deficit was slight at the knee, progressively getting worse toward the foot, which had no sensation at all.
    I placed my hand on her leg and invited the Holy Spirit to touch her, then commanded the nerves and blood vessels to be healed in the name of Jesus. I asked if she felt anything.
    With a smile she replied, “My whole leg is tingling.”
    I rubbed the bottom of her foot again and asked if she felt anything.
    “Yes, I can feel you touching the bottom of my foot.”
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