Discovering Daisy
tightened pearl that seemed to trigger her release. It ripped through her like an explosion of thunder and lightning. She had always loved a good storm and this one that raged inside her was the best she had ever experienced. She cried out and wrapped arms and legs around him, holding tightly as if in fear that she might fly away.
    He held her to him and in moments she could hear him reach his pleasure, could feel the spill of his hot seed deep inside her. It seemed to trigger another smaller yet just as intense orgasm inside her. She shuddered and felt as if the world spun away, as if she floated on a soft breeze. She felt him collapse to her, the slide of his flesh against hers and she shuddered again.
    “I could awake to this every morning for the rest of my life,” she murmured and then gasped as she realised that she’d said that out loud.
    He chuckled and moved to lie next to her. The tug of his penis pulling free of her pussy had her shuddering again. He leaned to her and kissed her brow. “I could too, wife,” he told her.
    She was his wife. His. Would he always treat her like this? Would there come a time when he shared her with others while he lusted after some other woman? Would he be like her brother-in-law had been? She shivered and went to roll away but he held her to him.
    “There are things that we need to discuss,” he said as he held her gaze. “Things that we must share with one another if we are to make this marriage work.”
    “Work how?” she asked and she wondered if he could see all the questions and doubts swirling in her eyes.
    “If we are to build something to last a lifetime,” he said and ran his fingers down her cheek until he cupped her chin and lifted her face to his. His lips were soft and gentle as he kissed her sweetly. “I would love for us to create the bond that my parents share.”
    “What is that?” she asked.
    “We’ll talk all about this and other things soon,” he promised as he shifted from their bedroll to stand beside her unashamedly naked. He looked gorgeous from head to toe. His muscles bulged and rippled as he stretched and she could have watched him for hours. But he bent back down and with a squeal she found herself lifted high against his chest as he rose once more. “But first I think we should wash.”
    She looped her arms around his neck and held tight to him. He walked into the trees and soon she saw the pond that lay before them. The water looked crystal clear and beautiful. He stepped in with her still cradled in his arms. She didn’t expect the cool of the water against her flesh and squeaked as her feet hit the water followed quickly by her legs and bottom. Her husband laughed as he waded further out until the water was to the middle of his chest. She clung to him as the water washed around them.
    “You could have warned me that the water was so cold,” she told him and he laughed again. His face seemed to soften and look almost boyish when he laughed and she hoped that he did it often in their life together.
    She felt the bulge of his swollen cock between them and squirmed closer to the heat it emitted. He groaned as he lowered his hands to cup her ass and pull her snug against him.
    “I thought we were here to wash away all of this,” she said but wrapped her arms around him tighter. She loved the slide of their wet flesh together, the way her nipples rasped against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt the nudge of his erection against her bottom.
    “I want you again,” he groaned as he held her tight. “I can’t imagine not wanting you.”
    She smiled at his words and hoped that he meant them. “I didn’t see you put your name in the drawing,” she whispered. It was a tiny thing that had bothered her from the beginning.
    “I didn’t,” he said as he held her. “Duckett set it up. He said that you needed me. That I was exactly what you needed to heal.”
    “What?” she leant back and looked into his face.
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