
Discipline Read Online Free PDF

Book: Discipline Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marina Anderson
flown over with me. Drink your coffee and I’ll show you round the house before I drive you home.’
    ‘I don’t understand why you want to help me,’ muttered Chloe, wishing she could just curl up and go to sleep.
    ‘Because I feel responsible for you. After all, if it hadn’t been for me, you’d still be living in Rio de Janeiro with all your illusions intact.’
    She was sure there was more to it than that, but the truth was she wanted to see the rest of his luxurious house, and she also wanted to be with him for a little longer. ‘All right,’ she agreed, ‘as long as Livia’s in tonight.’
    ‘Oh yes,’ Carlos assured her with a smile. ‘Livia will be in, and she’ll be very interested to meet you.’
    By the time Carlos drew up outside his home, Chloe was asleep in the passenger seat. He glanced at her, her face illuminated by the light from a nearby street lamp. She looked unbelievably innocent, and his mouth was dry with excitement.
    This was the difficult part, getting her to agree to live under the same roof as him. If he could accomplish that, then he was confident that the rest would be easy. He knew women, and could tell from the way Chloe moved, dressed, ate and drank that she was deeply sensual. All she needed was someone to show her the truth about herself. It might be a shock, but she’d get over it. In the end she’d be grateful to him, just as he was grateful to her now for bringing excitement back into his jaded life.

    He stroked the side of her face, and her eyelids flew open. ‘What’s the matter?’
    ‘Nothing. You fell asleep. This is where I live.’
    ‘I’m sorry, it must have been the wine.’
    He nodded. ‘Very probably. Let’s go in.’
    Before they’d reached the front door, Livia opened it. She stood framed in the doorway, looking magnificent and sexy in a tight-fitting dark-red dress, with her blond hair falling to her shoulders. ‘I’ve brought Chloe back to look over the house,’ said Carlos. ‘She’s living in a horrible flat in Tooting at the moment. I thought she could use one of our spare bedrooms, since she works so near.’
    ‘I didn’t know we were taking in lodgers,’ muttered Livia, as Carlos brushed past her with Chloe just behind him.
    ‘It’s for a good cause,’ said Carlos, struggling not to sound as annoyed as he felt at Livia’s interruption. ‘Chloe works for a charity that’s trying to help Brazilian street children, which, as you know, is a cause very close to my heart.’
    Chloe stood blinking in the hall. ‘I’d forgotten how lovely it is,’ she said sleepily.
    ‘I’d imagine it’s quite a change to your present flat.’
    ‘Sorry, I’m really tired and confused. Why do you want me to stay here?’
    ‘Because you deserve a nicer place to live, nearer where you work, and I’m partly to blame for what’s happened to you. Come on, follow me.’
    He was counting on the fact that if he spoke with enough authority she’d obey him, and when she did he felt a buzz of excitement. Clearly her first instinct was still to follow instructions, just as she had as a nun. Now, as long as she accepted the offer of a room, her initiation into his world could begin.
    Opening the door into the largest spare bedroom, hestepped back to let her look in. The colour scheme was all soft browns and cream. The bed, dressing table and wardrobes were natural pine, and cut-glass vases full of green-and-white floral decorations were dotted around the room.
    ‘It’s beautiful,’ whispered Chloe, ‘and so restful. I could lie down and go to sleep here right now.’
    Carlos glanced at Livia, who quickly took the younger girl by the arm. ‘Why don’t you?’ she suggested with a smile. ‘You’re very tired. We can talk more in the morning.’
    ‘I don’t think I should. I …’
    Livia steered Chloe towards the bed, and within seconds she was lying on her side on top of the covers, her head resting on her hands and her eyes closed.
    Carlos studied
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